Monday, September 30, 2019

Commerce Bank Case Essay

Executive Summary Commerce Bank has been a pioneer in the banking industry by returning to customer service. This has driven customers to the bank, but in order to stay ahead on the curve they want to move away from the model that has worked for them. An analysis was performed regarding whether their new concept of â€Å"retailtainment†, entertaining customers throughout the banking service process, would be beneficial or not. After thorough consideration, it was determined that â€Å"retailtainment† was not the best way to improve Commerce’s quality of service. Commerce should focus on their former centralized model and enhance it, rather than change it. Background Commerce Bank is a New Jersey-based bank founded in 1973 by fast food franchiser Vernon Hill. Hill took his experience as a fast food business owner and utilized it to operate Commerce Bank. Commerce had branches opening earlier than the competitors and staying open later, 7:30AM to 8:00PM during the week and modified hours on Saturday and Sunday (Frei, 2006). Drive-through windows at busier locations even stayed open until midnight to accommodate customers; however, all branches operated under the notion that they were to open ten minutes before and close ten minutes after the posted time (Frei, 2006). Commerce used this model to get customers in the door and made their primary focus customer service. This focus allowed them to increase customer deposits, by an average of 30% per year from 1996 to 2001, and some years they even achieved growth rates in excess of 40% (Frei, 2006). This was not consistent with the market trend during this period, as other banks were selecting online banking, pushing customers out the door. Hill felt that this was a model for failure, because â€Å"You can’t name one retailer in this country that has pushed people where they don’t want to go and succeeded† (Frei, 2006). Currently, Commerce is feeling the pressure from other banks who want to use their business model to draw new customers. Washington Mutual, for instance, launched â€Å"un-bank†, with roaming tellers, a children’s play area and no desk. ING, a new entrant in the market, opened a cafà © style branch that served espresso to customers (Frei, 2006). To combat this Commerce launched a new customer experience called â€Å"Retailtainment†. Retailtainment is the incorporation of entertainment into the various branches. Essentially, each branch can come up with their own  wacky ideas for entertaining customers every Friday (Fre i, 2006). This was to ensure that Commerce, who offers the lowest loan rates, stayed ahead of the competition. Problem Statement Commerce bank is losing track of what originally made them successful, service quality and efficiency, and losing sight of what the customers really want in a banking experience. Analysis â€Å"Many banks attribute their growth to their successful transformation to a sales culture.† (McBride, 2005) .Commerce has used traditional banking to form a niche in the industry. Other banks at this time were moving towards online banking, focusing less on the person to person interaction. This could have catastrophic implications: â€Å"I am referring to the turn-off of poorly trained, new employees. What’s worse is seeing this person struggle and look in vain for help from someone else in the branch† (McBride, 2005). Commerce, on the other hand, has embraced this by training employees with emphasis on customer service. The customer-central model was the springboard for what Commerce believed was the value of the bank, customer deposits (Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, 2011). Hill believed that by focusing on â€Å"non-rate† reason deposits, that he could build a deposit base, and his philosophy was for the bank to provide customers with an unforgettabl e experience in exchange for a loan rate, half a point less than the competition (Frei, 2006). This lower rate enabled Commerce to stay open later and have additional benefits for its members. These benefits included no-fee banking and even ATM fee refunds for high balance members. As service occurs, customers also play a role in co-production (Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, 2011). To ensure this experience was the same for all the members of the bank, Commerce standardized its branches, attempting to make life easier for customers. At these branches, customers are greeted at the front door and made to feel at home while they wait to be served. This is unique from other banks, who sometimes charge fees if customers visit the branches or talk to a real person. â€Å"Customers enrolled in Bank of America’s e-banking account pay $8.95 a month for the privilege of accessing branches and talking to tellers when you need to make a transaction or deposit† (CNN, 2011). Commerce’s threat from industry rivals forced them decide to implement a decentralized program cal led â€Å"Retailtainment†, a break from  their standardized model, which had been their main reason for success thus far. Commerce had built the brand name using this philosophy, and straying from this gives individual branched control. With bank industry ratings declining, this strategy may backfire severely and hurt the brand down the road. â€Å"In October 2010, the number of Americans expressing a â€Å"great deal† or â€Å"quite a lot† of confidence in banks fell to an all-time low of 18% — lower than its level at the height of the global financial collapse (Wood and Berg, 2011). Customers have been complaining about the lack of tellers and feel that the bank should have less greeters and more tellers (Frei, 2006). This shows that Commerce’s decentralized â€Å"retailtainment† has notable gaps in Fitzsimmons’ Service Quality Gap Model. Previously, Commerce’s service standards and service delivery were impeccable, however, â€Å"retailtainment† decreases their quality of service delivery, decreasing customer perceptions and placing a strain on â€Å"Communication Gap 4† (Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, 2011). These further decrease â€Å"Customer Satisfaction Gap 5† (Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, 2011). Recommendations and Conclusion â€Å"Retailtainment† may sound like a good idea, but it has plenty of issues associated with it. Commerce Bank previously used a standardized process, but this is completely opposite from that model, thus decentralizing the process and forcing managers to make their own decisions. By relying solely on the managers and their staff, they risk damaging their image. In addition to addressing the deficits in the gaps of their Service Quality Model, Commerce can also employ the Service Encounter Triad to improve customer service. Using this model, they can improve their shortfalls between the service organization and the customer, as well as contact personnel and the customer (Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, 2011). To do this, they can improve customer satisfaction by hiring another bank teller rather than a greeter, which in turn, will improve their efficiency. Additionally, doing this will improve their contact personnel’s ethical climate and better develop their service deli very to the customer (Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, 2011). In addition, Commerce can also attempt to use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), successfully used by other banks, which uses linear programming to measure the efficiency of multiple decision making units by streamlining branch operations (Sherman and Ladino, 1995). Commerce has  focused so much on the first impression that they lost sight of what people are there for. People are there to deposit their money, and delays in this process may lead to less than satisfactory service. Commerce can take some of the greeters and make them â€Å"junior† or â€Å"overflow† tellers. This group can be seen as back-up to jump into action when there is heavy flow of traffic in the bank, as well as use these junior tellers to accept check deposits at the front so customers don’t have to stand in line. Yes, they would like for the experience to feel like a retail store, but contrary to Starbucks, bank customers are not there for the taste or the flavor; they choose the bank that gives them the best interest rates and highest deposit rates. Retailtainment plays a big role in delivering Commerce’s mission, but they should also evaluate the optimal amount of â€Å"entertainment† offered to deliver their mission, while being abl e to maintain operations and maintain a competitive position against other banks. There is no need to have a mascot to entertain customers or have a hot dog cart offering food. Bank of America had a simpler solution — using a TV for customers in line. This kept customers’ minds off of waiting in line and was more cost-effective than having to pay someone in a costume to talk to people. If they want to stay competitive, Commerce needs to think outside the box for efficient solutions to current problems. A good alternative would be to pay employees to suggest alternative and effective ways to entertain customers, without having to invest a great amount of money. â€Å"Retailtainment† works short-term, since customers feel they are appreciated, but going to these extreme measures and including all of the in-branch services, mascots, and free pens increases costs and makes Commerce vulnerable against other competitors. It is suggested that Commerce should return to and reinforce the principles that made the successful in the first place. Works Cited CNN Money. 2011. â€Å"9 most annoying bank fees†. Accessed 20 August, 2012. Fitzsimmons, J.A. and M.J. Fitzsimmons. 2011. Service Management: Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology, 7th edition. Irwin/McGraw-Hill, New York, NY. Frei, F. 2006. Commerce Bank. Harvard Business Review. Harvard Business School Publishing, Boston, MA. McBride, G. 2005. â€Å"Banks need to sell customer service†. Accessed 21 August, 2012. Sherman, H.D. and G. Ladino. 1995. Managing Bank Productivity Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Interfaces 25:2 p. 60-73. Wood, J. and P. Berg. 2011. Rebuilding Trust in Banks. Gallup Business Journal. Accessed 20 August, 2012.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Judicial Activism and Empowerment of Indian Women Essay

Women’s empowerment is a noted concept in social change, which is much discussed, often elusive and sometimes abused. Yet in the context of development, women’s leadership and agency in social change have been levers for women’s empowerment within communities. Women have sought to fight entrenched interests for community benefits, and have garnered through their collective strength, a new identity. Women’s rights around the world are an important indicator to understand global well-being. â€Å"Creating the environment which imparts equal status to women in family, society and country is the sole motive behind various facets of programmes being run for women empowerment.† –Pratiba Patel, President of India (Express newspaper apr.14, 2011) Though Women have a unique position in every society whether developed, developing or underdeveloped, she still belongs to a class or group of society which is in disadvantaged position on account of several social barriers and impediments. This is particularly due to the various roles they play during various stages of their life, as a daughter, sister, wife, and mother etc. However, she tries too hard to stand equal to that of the men. The historical phase of development of women very well portrays the empowerment of women, in different periods. Vedic period: During the Vedic period women enjoyed a fair amount of freedom and equality. The Vedic period can be termed as feminine glory. Women participated in all spheres like men. They studied in Gurukulas and enjoyed equality in learning Vedas. In Aitereya Upanishad, the wife was called as companion of husband. In the Rig-Veda, the wife was blessed to live as a queen in the house of her husband. The word Thampati, so often used in the Veda, characterizes both wife and husband. According to MacDonnell and Keith, this word signifies the high status of women in ancient India. Men and Women together performed religious duties and carried out other function. In the Mahabharata the wife was called the root of Dharma, prosperity and enjoyment. No man was allowed to perform religious duties without his wife. Thus, like the status of women in the contemporary western world, the status of women in India was based on liberty, equality and co-operation.[1] Post – Vedic period: In post – Vedic period the status of women suffered a setback when various restrictions were put on women’s rights and privileges by Manu. This decline dates back to the period of the Manusmriti and the increasing authority of man. The birth of a daughter which was not a source of anxiety during the Vedic period became the source of disaster for the father. Education, which had been an accepted norm for women, was neglected and later on girls were totally denied access to education. Despite the overall social and cultural subordination of women, it is surprising to find that law givers recognized the right to property, particularly that which was known as streedhana, women’s property. [2] Medieval Period: With invasion of India by Alexander and the Huns, the position of women was further degraded. Their education and training came to a sudden halt. For reasons of security, movement outside was restricted which in turn denied opportunities in community affairs. Uneducated and devoid of any status, they came to be treated as chattels. Social evils like sati, child marriage, and female infanticide arose. Women suffered great disabilities. The evil of dowry had become deep–rooted and the system of Devadasi has already spread. The medieval period saw women living oppressed in the feudal social order and patriarchal families.[3] British period: The attitude, behaviour and living pattern of Hindu society changed drastically during the British regime due to education and western impact on the socio-cultural life of India. During the period there were two major movements which affected the position of women. There were the Social Reform Movement of the nineteenth century and the Nationalist Movement of the twentieth century. Both these movements raised the question of equal status of women. The issues which attracted the attention of the nineteenth century social reformers were sati, ill-treatment of widows, the ban on widow remarriage, polygamy, child marriage, denial of property rights and education to women. The Reformers thought that by giving women access to education and by enacting progressive legislation social change could be initiated. Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, M.G. Ranade, Mahatma Phule, Lokhitwadi, Aurobindo and others from all parts of the country raised their voice against the unjust practices while revivalists like Dayamanda saraswati, swami Vivekananda and Annie Besant Believed in receiving the old Vedic society presumed to be ideal for women.[4] Mahatma Gandhiji too, vehemently criticized the custom of child marriage, prohibition of widow remarriage, temple prostitution and the custom of purdah. The nationalist movements not only draw a large number of women to political activity but also generated strength and confidence among women which helped them to organize and fight for their cause. The formation of the All India Women’s Conference in 1927 was a crucial event in women’s march towards equality. Many laws were enacted which tried to eradicate certain social evils. These included an Act legalizing remarriage of widows, child marriage Restraint Act 1978, an Act recognizing Hindu women’s right to property, etc. Besides the social legislation, there were other laws affecting women’s work status, such as limiting hours of work in organized industries, prohibiting night work, restricting work in mines, establishment of crà ¨ches for the children of the women workers etc. Thus in short, during the British rule, awareness was created for the removal of social malaises, while education and organizing political participation increased women’s mobility. PRESENT STATUS OF WOMEN IN INDIA: The most important event after independence has been the drafting of the Constitution of this country enshrining the principles of equality, liberty and social justice. The framers of the Constitution were aware of the problem of emancipation of the female sex. They realized that equality was important for the development of the nation. It was evident that in order to eliminate inequality and to provide opportunities for the exercise of human right it was necessary to promote education and economic interests of women. It became the objective of the state to protect women from exploitation and provide social justice.[5] All these ideals were enshrined in the Preamble of the Constitution. The Preamble to the Constitution of India resolved to secure to all its citizens justice–social, economic and political; liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship, equality of status and opportunity; and to promote among them fraternity assuring the dignity of an individual and the unity of the Nation. To attain these objectives, the Constitution guarantees certain fundamental rights and freedom, such as freedom of speech and expression, protection of life and personal liberty. The principles of gender equality and protection of women’s right have been the prime concerns right from the days of Independence. Accordingly, the country’s concern in safeguarding the rights and privileges of women found its best expression in the Constitution of India. Article 14, confers the equality before the law or the equal protection of the law to every person. It not only prohibits discrimination but also makes various provisions for the protection of women. And there is a prohibition of any discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth, however, Art. 15(3) empower the state to make any special provision for women and children.[6] And also equality of opportunity is guaranteed for all the citizens in matters relating to employment or opportunity to any office under the state, forbidding discrimination on the grounds only of inter alia sex.[7] Article 19(1) (a) deals with the Freedom of speech and expression and Article 19(1) (g) provides for the Freedom to practice any profession or to carry out any occupation, trade or business. Article 21 ensures that â€Å"No person shall be deprived of his life or personal a liberty except according to the procedure established by law†. Women have a right to lead a dignified, honourable and peaceful life with liberty. DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES OF STATE POLICY Article 39 mentions that the state shall direct its policy towards providing to men and women equally the right to means of livelihood and equal pay for equal work. The state is directed to make provisions for ensuring just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief.[8]And there is a fundamental duty imposed on every citizen to renounce the practices derogatory to the dignity of women.[9] In short, Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles provide the framework to achieve the ideals of the Preamble of the Constitution. Fundamental Duties too, recognize upholding the dignity of women as one of the duties. The perceptions on Fundamental Rights and the guidelines of Directive Principles of State Policy, is well reflected in various progressive labour legislations such as: ââ€" ª Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 ââ€" ª Minimum Wages Act, 1948 ââ€" ª Factories Act, 1948 ââ€" ª Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 LEGISLATIVE MEASURES: Inspired by the constitutional safeguards, the State has enacted various legislative measures to provide protection to women against social discrimination, violence and atrocities and to prevent child marriages, dowry, rape and practice of sati, etc., the Equal remuneration Act of 1976 provides for equal pay to men and women for equal work. The Hindu Marriage Laws Amendment Act 1955 has been amended by the Marriage Laws Amendment Act of 1976 to provide for the right of a girl to repudiate a child marriage before attaining maturity whether the marriage has been consummated or not. The Act 1956 for Suppression of Immoral Traffic against Women and girls was amended in 1986 to make the sexual exploitation of female, a cognizable offence. It was renamed as â€Å"The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act of 1986†. An amendment brought in 1984 to the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 made women’s subjection of cruelty a cognizable offence. A second amendment to the Act in 1986 makes the husband or in-laws punishable, if a woman commits suicide within 7years of her marriage and it has been proved that she has been subject to cruelty. The Child Marriage restraint Act of 1929 raises the age for marriage of a girl to 18 years from 15years and that of a boy to 21years. The Factories Act of 1948 provides for establishment of crà ¨che where 30 women are employed. The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act of 1971 legalized abortion by qualified professional on humanitarian or medical grounds. The enactment â€Å"Indecent representation of women (prohibition) Act, 1987† has also been passed to protect the dignity of women and prevent violence against them as well as their exploitation. Some of the other measures which were taken for the progress of women were that in pursuant to a request by the United Nations General Assembly to prepare a report on the status of women in India (CSWI) was constituted in 1971. The terms of reference of the committee was to examine the Constitutional, legal and administrative provisions that have a bearing on the social status of women, their education and employment and to asses the impact of these provisions during the last two decades on the status of women in the country, particularly in the rural sector and to suggest more effective measures; It was also to consider the development of education among women and determine the factors responsible for the slow progress in some areas and suggest remedial measures and to survey the problem of working women, including discrimination in employment and remuneration. TOWARDS EQUALITY: In order to examine the status of women, as house wives and mothers in the changing social pattern and their problems in the sphere of further education and employment, the committee was to undertake survey or case studies on the implication of the population policies and family planning programmers on the status of women in addition to the above mentioned aspect. It was empowered to suggest any other measure which would enable women to play their full and proper role in building up the nation. The committee submitted its report entitled ‘Towards Equality’ in December 1974. The report was a landmark in the social history of India heralding a conscious change in attitudes, behaviour, law, establishment of special institutions and creating both infrastructure and environment for equality for women. The National Commission for Women was set up as a statutory body on 31st January 1992 under the National Commission for Women Act, (1990) to review constitutional and legal safeguards for women and recommend amendments to meet lacunae, inadequacies in such laws, participate in economic development of women and evaluate the progress made. However, there are many areas of inequality where working women still strive to overcome like: More women are in lower skilled part time work; Women are promoted less and earn less; Women are not equally represented in Government as Men; Women undertake significantly more of household work and childrearing than men and are often depict ed as weaker sexes and are sexualized. JUDICIAL RESPONSE: Over the years, the general public has come to repose absolute faith in the Judiciary. The Supreme Court of India has responded to issues of gender justice in a positive manner. Some of the decisions given by the apex court in the recent past has significantly advanced the cause and dignity of women. In Nigammar vs. Chikkaiah Case (2000)[10] compulsory blood test to determine paternity was held to be violative of fundamental right of life or liberty. In Chandrimadas Case (2000)[11], the Supreme Court has held that where a national Bangladeshi woman was gang raped, compensation can be granted under public law (Constitution) for violation of Fundamantal rights on the ground of Domestic Jurisprudence based on Constitutional provisions and Human Rights jurisprudence. In John Vallamatton V. Union of India (2003)[12], the Supreme Court struck down section 118 of Indian Succession Act, 1925 restricting bequeathing of property for religious or charitable use except in the manner provided the rein. It was that the right to equality of women vis-à  -vis their male counterparts is accepted worldwide and it will be immoral and illegal to discriminate women on the ground of sex. In CEHAT V. Union of India (2001)[13], the Supreme Court referred to the repercussions of unhindered female infanticide effecting overall sex ratio in various States. The Court issued directions to Central government, State government, Union Territories, and appropriate authorities for the implementation of the enacted Act, further in CEHAT & Others. Petitioners V. Union of India & Others Respondents (2002)[14], the apex court made the registration of the clinics with ultrasound machines mandatory and directed the State governments to take suitable action for creating awareness in public. In this way, judiciary has acknowledged the concept of ‘Gender Equality’. The formal equality given by the Constitution and the Law is however, not equivalent of substantive equality which enables enjoyment of all rights on an equal basis. While formal equality has afforded women access to areas of Education, empowerment and even political participation, on terms that are often equal to those by men, it is in the so-called private sphere, in areas such as marriage and the family that women continue to be denied equal rights. In the present situation, women are better educated and have entered all possible fields proving their might. They hold more jobs worldwide, yet most women continue to suffer from occupational segregation in workplace. There are artificial barriers, created by attitudinal and organizational prejudices, barring women from top executive jobs. Women, though more educated are not more equal. Gender equality is a multifaceted concept which implies equality of opportunity in economic as well as socio-political and legal aspects. Gender equality is not just morally right, it is pivotal to human progress and sustainable development. Economic opportunity does not mean their mere presence but includes the quality of women’s economic involvement. In developed countries, women may gain employment with relative ease, but their employments are usually transitory and are paid less than men. Herald Sun, an Australian newspaper has also recently raised issues relating to this. The question of gender equality is a very old and burning problem. Twenty years ago in Mexico the First World Conference on Women inspired a movement that has helped, to reduce gender inequality worldwide. Illiteracy among women is declining, maternal mortality rates are beginning to fall, and more women are participating in labour force than ever before. Now a days, women has broken their ill-social shackles and are ready to face the contemporary challenges without any help and hesitation and consequently, March 8, is formally observed and celebrated in several countries, including India as a mark of integrated achievements towards the equality of rights, status and dignity of women and their equal participation in economic, social and cultural development in contemporary world scenario. CONCLUSION: To curb down the menace of existing gender inequality many steps have been taken at the national as well as the international levels, but still a lot needs to be done to stamp out the growing violation of women’s dignity. Is there Gender Equality in Reality? I would say in the Gender Equation, women are evidently the victims. At this juncture, society needs to see women as dynamic promoters of social transformation, and have a powerful influence on their ability to control their environment and contribute to economic development. There should be a kind of positive respect for women. Only then, her rights can be well protected and nurtured. Physical violence is only the tip of the ice berg, what we don’t see below the surface is the lack of respect. Once we ensure that society in general and men in particular show a positive kind of respect to women, to their wives, the other rights are bound to follow in normal course. Though umpteen steps are taken in this direction like discouraging discrimination, lengthy legislations invoking equality but the picture is still disheartening and remains only in the talks. And the war on inequality, discrimination, violence and unempowerment is still continuing, making the road to success a not-reachable one.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Manas National Park or Manas Wildlife Sanctuary Essay

Manas National Park or Manas Wildlife Sanctuary is a Wildlife Sanctuary, UNESCO Natural World Heritage site, a Project Tiger Reserve, an Elephant Reserve and a Biosphere Reserve in Assam, India. Located in the Himalayan foothills, it is contiguous with the Royal Manas National park in Bhutan. The park is known for its rare and endangered endemic wildlife such as the Assam Roofed Turtle, Hispid Hare, Golden Langur and Pygmy Hog. Their goal is to be able to fully fund the preservation and keep the sanctuary alive and thriving for many years to come. This is an effort that will take everyone that is involved help. One particular ecological uniqueness is the vegetation: The Burma Monsoon Forests of Manas lie on the borders between the Indo-Gangetic and Indo-Malayan biogeographical realms and is part of the Brahmaputra Valley Biogeographic Province. The combination of Sub-Himalayan Bhabar Terai formation with riverine succession leading up to Sub-Himalayan mountain forest makes it one of the richest biodiversity areas in the world. The main vegetation types are: Sub-Himalayan Light Alluvial Semi-Evergreen forests in the northern parts. * East Himalayan mixed Moist and Dry Deciduous forests (the most common type). * Low Alluvial Savanna Woodland, and * Assam Valley Semi-Evergreen Alluvial Grasslands which cover almost 50% of the Park. Animals in the sanctuary: * The sanctuary has recorded 55 species of mammals, 380 species of birds, 50 of reptiles, and 3 species of amphibians. Out of these wildlife, 21 mammals are India’s Schedule I mammals and 31 of them are threatened. The fauna of the sanctuary include Asian Elephants Indian Rhinoceros, Gaurs, Asian Water Buffaloes, Barasingha, Tigers, Leopards, Clouded Leopards, Asian golden cat, Capped Langurs, Golden Langurs, Assamese Macaques, Slow Loris, Hoolock Gibbons, Smooth-coated Otters, Sloth Bears, Barking Deer, Hog Deer, Sambar Deer and Chital. * The park is well known for its rare and endangered wildlife which is not found anywhere else in the world like the Assam Roofed Turtle, Hispid Hare, Golden Langur and Pygmy Hog. Manas houses about 380 species of birds. Manas have the largest population of endangered Bengal Florican. The major other birds includes Giant Hornbills, Jungle Fowls, Bulbuls, Brahminy Ducks, Kalij Pheasants, Egrets, Pelicans, Fishing Eagles, Serpent Eagles, Falcons, Scarlet Minivets, Bee-Eaters, Magpie Robins, Pied Hornbills, Grey Hornbills, Mergansers, Harriers, Ospreys and Herons. Two major biomes exist in Manas and they are the grassland biome and the forest biome. The biological interrelationship among the life forms in the area pretty much coexists with each other as anywhere else in the world where there are predators and prey but with the help of people to govern their environment a little bit so that the species survive and don’t become extinct. Their was quite a bit of human intrusions precisely a century ago the British Government declared Manas as a protected area and hunting and killing of wildlife was banned. In 1928, the name Manas Wildlife Sanctuary was inscribed and by 1955 Manas was approximately 391sq kms large. Manas Wildlife Sanctuary was declared as a Tiger Reserve in 1973; which was amongst the first in the country and was also declared as the World Heritage site under the N (ii) (iii) (iv) in the year 1985. In 1989, the status of â€Å"Biosphere Reserve† was also granted to Manas. In the year 1990, the center declared this region as â€Å"Manas National Park†. A lot of effort has been made and achievements such as at least 47 poachers around the Manas National Park surrendered to MMES their hand made guns. MMES have employed most of these ex-poachers as guards paying them monthly salaries. MMES also established the MMCA or the Conservation Area which the society is responsible for. Constructing roads and bridges in the area and maintenance of these roads for the past few years have been solely the MMMES achievements. Domestic as well as foreign tourists visit the place and eco-tourism is gaining momentum. MES is eagerly looking for donations so that their enthusiasm and willingness to support conservation takes a materialistic path. Most of the times MMES is in need of funding and they depend on the tourists or contributors to help them financially. If Manas revives back to a stable state which I think is quite possible, MMES would have played a herculean role in this effort. In fact, the Maozigendri boys are an example for the youth of this country to step forward and protect Mother Nature who is most vulnerable to destruction. The Manas Maozigendri Eco-tourism society stands tall as an exemplary organization with a lot of passion and tremendous wildlife conservation values. So we as that people began to participate and support our wildlife preservations and the diversity of the area. Preservation through Communication Preservation through communication can be reached through publications, newsletters and community and outreach activities. Teaming up with Wilderness Committee’s to host an educational slideshows. Things like this can be very informative for example â€Å"Over 50 people came out to listen to Caribou Biologist, Dave Quinn, discuss one of BC’s most endangered species. Over 700 people attended the Hyde Creek Salmon Festival in November and NWPS was one of the many environmental groups in attendance.   They provided a relevant presentation about wildlife as a feature of the festival. Thanks to a large number of volunteers, NWPS is able to continually update their website to provide current, interesting information. Through their ‘Passion for Wildlife’ program they engage a number of people in the preparation of educational information about the wildlife they seek to preserve. Each year many members of the public visit this website to access current information about its wildlife education and habitat stewardship programs, as well as up to date information about wildlife in British Columbia. †¢ Preservation through Education Another way is through education through the Wildlife Education Programs in schools, language centers, seniors’ homes and community centers throughout the region. Through these programs people will be provided with information on wildlife in BC, endangered species and environmental issues. Each year they provide an entertaining and informative wildlife presentation for over 700 school-aged children. †¢ Preservation through Involvement The NWPS had launched the Nature Walk & Workshop Program in 2005. Seven classes from the Lower Mainland participated in the Nature Workshop program and visited one of the following natural areas: Lighthouse Park, Bear Creek Park, Capilano River Park, or Burnaby Lake Park.   Through this program, students learn about wildlife, visit wildlife habitats and participate in stewardship activities. Many individuals visit natural spaces and learned about wildlife in BC through their Owl Prowl field trips and a special Earth day program. †¢ Preservation through Stewardship Having the community to assist in the preservation through stewardship in another avenue. In celebration of Earth Day 2005, NWPS hosted a trail restoration event in Deep Cove, BC. Over 20 volunteers and community members assisted the District of North Vancouver Parks Department by helping restore a section of the popular Baden-Powell trail. At the end of the day, our team had built an 11-step staircase on the trail and had planted many tree seedlings Animal Rescue Calendar – Supporting Animal Rescue Groups Supporting animal rescue groups is a very good way to support preservation. This year NWPS produced a TISOL Animal Rescue Calendar. They reached another 5,000 people and cemented working relationships with over 12 groups. They have planned for this campaign to break-even for this year and have established a platform for greater success in the future. †¢ Outreach Funding – Support from Communities Annual outreach campaigns can reach people out of your arm reach. And you do this by asking them to engage in supporting the environment through our education programs. If intrusion goes unchecked the lost for the preservation will be great. We really have to look at the big picture here when we see this because it is not a small problem, to some it may be but this kind of intrusion could cause many species to become extinct. Can you imagine ten years from now not being able to show your child, or grandchildren what a Bengal Tiger looks like. I mean to literally not be able to visit the zoo and have to tell you child that this particular animal no longer exists. This will happen to many species if certain precautions are not takes. Wildlife is just as valuable as our own; it creates a balance here on this earth. Reference

Friday, September 27, 2019

CTV Building Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

CTV Building - Assignment Example The report produced by the Royal Commission had also officially identified the key players after the disaster. This report aims to evaluate the faults on the part of the key players and stakeholders leading to technical deficiencies in the design of the building. Gerald Shirtcliff was the CTV building’s site manager and he was later found to have faked his qualifications and therefore was not up to the mark. The head of the consultation firm, ARCL, Alan Reay was said to be â€Å"ultimately responsible† even though his designer and engineer David Harding was inexperienced in working with multi-storey buildings. This is because Reay had supervised Harding and therefore he was responsible for relying too much on the incompetent engineer. According to Reay, he thought that Harding being a registered engineer was eligible for the task. In reality Harding lacked the necessary experience and was also inexperienced to use the software Etabs with which the seismic testing of the building was done. Moreover, the Christchurch City Council was blamed for having issued a building permit despite the presence of structural weaknesses. The weaknesses were further deepened after the 2010 Christchurch earthquake and the Christchurch City Council had a very brisk assessment of the building. ... The boulders start breaking and falling on the streets and a chaos strikes. People start running here and there in confusion in order to protect themselves from the falling debris. The road starts to crush and bend as it the ground shakes (Wilson, 2012). These are the live moment experiences of Alex, a witness of the massive, life threatening earth quake that took place in Christchurch, New Zealand on 22nd February 2011. The earth quake had a magnitude of 6.3 units on the Richter scale and was extremely savage and disastrous. Figure 1. Tragic Aftermath. This picture shows the damaged building. The Press. (March 26, 2013). Tragic aftermath [Photograph]. Retrieved from The Canterbury Television building was huge and employed a large number of people including doctors, dentists, counselors, journalists, TV crews and the list goes on. The earthquake killed 115 people including international students enrolled in a language school that was also located inside the building. Search and rescu e teams from various countries such as United Kingdom and Japan flew to New Zealand in order to recover the dead bodies that had been buried deep inside the remains (Bryant, 2013). The CTV building had collapsed completely and there was little hope that anyone could have survived beneath it. Three critical factors caused its collapse, as described in a report released after the earthquake. Firstly, there was a violent horizontal ground shake that took place. Secondly, the columns were brittle and lastly, the layout of the structural walls was asymmetrical (International Business Times, 2012). Figure 2. A rescue worker walks through the rubble in central

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Motorsport (Nostalgia Super Stock) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Motorsport (Nostalgia Super Stock) - Essay Example larity evolved into a classification of drag racing involving hundreds of drivers and cars competing in Championships and Grand Drag Racing events ( There are different series, events and clubs, running Nostalgia Super Stock —the rules applied were developed by representatives from clubs of NSS events.The largest annual drag racing event is named after Dave Duell: the Dave Duell Classic. The event has hosted as many as 90 NSS cars competition. It is regarded as the Class National event. The Dave Duell Classic is presently run at Beechbend Raceway, Kentucky ( The event is run in combination with NMCA events but is administrated by Doug- Dave’s son.Some of the rules governing Nostalgia Super Stock include: Historical accuracy of the car- should be American manufactured and models meant for drag racing, multiple carburetion preferred, slick width designation of 10.5W at a maximum, footbrake only- meaning no transmission brake is allowed, etc. Nostalgia Super Stock is popular among men and women who enjoy the classic style of 60s drag racing cars. NSS is mostly popular in the mid-west, with online platforms such as ‘Victory Nostalgia Super Series’ helping to update the enthusiasts about upcoming events ( Some of the popular cars dominating NSS include Texas Whale, Dragn Wagn, Big Red Ram and Hustling

Organizational Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Organizational Culture - Essay Example Closely related to organizational culture in meaning is organizational values. Values refer to acceptable standards that govern individual employees’ behavior in an organization. Without these values, each employee would adopt behaviors that they deem fit in their own analysis which could conflict with the behaviors that an organization seeks to promote. The organizational values have to be in line with the mission and the vision. Woodside (2010) gives examples of the distinctive values in blue chip companies like Ford Motors and Marks & Spencers which were established by their founders and further sedimentation accomplished by their inheritors. Values would be chosen through the process of measuring, diagnosis, deciding and finally embedding. It has been noted that organizational culture guides the success of an organization, hence an important aspect to both the profit making and the non-profit making organizations. But success or performance remains a relative concept among business research scholars. Woodside (2010) gathers definitions of performance from various scholars ranging from an organization’s ability to achieve its goals to an organizational measure of efficiency, effectiveness and economy. In the same way, there exist various variables in measuring organization performance. This complexity has been cited by Shahzad, Luqman, Khan & Shabbir (2012) as the reason for minimal research on the impact of organizational culture on performance. In this paper, performance would be considered as the attainability of an organization’s goals. A positive correlation has been established between organizational culture and organizational performance with well performing firms possessing certain strong cultural traits. Shahzad, Luqman, Khan and Shabbir (2012) noted that superior and perfectly imitable organizational culture ensures attainment of sustainable competitive advantage.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Regulatory Measures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Regulatory Measures - Essay Example ns into effect on 1st November, 1991 after USSC discovered that several organizations lacked ethics and compliance programs and failed to meet defined standards. Most organizations had substandard programs that fallen short of meeting the goals and expectations of the Sentencing Commission. The Sentencing Guidelines have greatly encouraged American businesses to create effective ethics and compliance programs (ECEPs). The FSGO seldom applies to large companies today because virtually all their crimes are adjudicated in the courthouse. However, the Guidelines still apply in the courthouse even as Non-Prosecution Agreements (NPAs) and Deferred Prosecution Agreements (DPAs) vastly influence or contribute to out of court settlement (Ferrell et al. 2008). The goal of the FSGO is to incentivize American corporations to aim high and self-police on ethics. According to the FSGO’s Advisory Board, more recognition and consistent promotion of ethics and compliance programs by the enforce ment of the US would significantly incentivize business organizations to invest more in self-policing efforts against corporate crime. The U.S. Congress passed Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) in 2002 to protect the public and shareholders from fraudulent/corrupt practices and accounting errors in the enterprise. The legislation sought to improve the accuracy of corporate disclosures. The Securities and Exchange Commission administers Sarbanes-Oxley Act (De & Argosy University, 2006). Apart from improving the accuracy of corporate disclosures, SOX sets deadlines for compliance and publishes rules on the requirements. The US Congress enacted SOX in response to increased cases of high-profile financial scandals in early 2000s involving large companies such as Tyco, WorldCom, and Enron. These scandals rattled investor confidence across the country. Two US Congressmen, Paul Sarbanes and Michael Oxley, drafted the act, which primarily aimed at improving accountability and corporate governance (De &

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Description Essay on Fairness Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Description on Fairness - Essay Example In sports, fairness is often associated with the umpiring decisions. For example, in a cricket match, the umpire can rule a batsman out if the ball hits the leg of the batsmen. However, the umpire should make sure that the ball was heading towards the stumps before it was hit on the pads or legs of the batsmen, before ruling against the batsmen. There are many cases, in which the umpire commits mistakes while giving leg before wicket (LBW) decisions against batsmen. Under such circumstances, people often label it as an unfair decision. On the other hand, if the umpire makes the correct decision, people will accept it as a fair decision. In politics, governments often take some decisions in favor and against the interests of the people. For example, crude oil prices are fluctuating in global market and because of that many governments in the world forced to adjust the petroleum prices in their country. For example, Indian government recently increased the prices of petrol in domestic market several times. Wall Street Journal dated 4 November, 2011 has pointed out that â€Å"The opposition lashed out at the UPA govt for raising petrol prices with BJP attributing it to the Govt’s mismanagement and the Left parties asking all their state units to launch nationwide protests† (India This Evening: Opposition Attacks UPA on Petrol Price Rise). In short, the petroleum price hikes in India is not labeled as a fair decision by the opposition parties even though, ruling coalition government label it as a fair decision, considering the price hikes of crude oil in global market. In criminal justice system also, the word fairness is used extensively while analyzing the punishments given to the criminals. While Saddam got the capital punishment, many of the people labeled it as an unfair decision whereas many others accepted it as a fair decision. Same way when Gadhafi was killed, many of the supporters of Gadhafi labeled it as an unfair decision from the part of the revolutionists. There are many instances in which criminals escape from punishments whereas innocents suffered punishments because of the loopholes in criminal justice systems. In such cases also people wills say that the criminal justice system failed to maintain fairness while labeling a person as criminal or innocent. Media industry is another areas in which the word fairness often brings controversies. Media often report news with color. In some cases, it may create or fabricate false stories about prominent people in order to raise its ratings and popularity. In such cases, we will say that the4 media did not show any fairness while reporting news. In marketing also we often use the word fairness. For example, there are many instances in which sales people use bad tactics to close the sales. They may even spread false stories about the product and services of the competitors. At the same time, there are many sales professionals who keep certain integrity in their professio nal life. In the first case, we will say that fairness was not maintained whereas in the second case we will say that fairness was maintained. In business or in beauty industry, the word fairness holds a completely different meaning. Many of the cosmetic products available in the market claim that it can increase the fairness of a person. There are lots of fairness creams available in the market. These products claim that consistent usage of it may provide fairness to the skin. Here fairness means better skin

Monday, September 23, 2019

Empowerment & Strategic Workforce Management Assignment

Empowerment & Strategic Workforce Management - Assignment Example An organization should make sure that the benefits that they accord to their employees are in line with their core values. For example an organization with environmental suitability as its core value should make sure that they give their employees benefits that are environmental suitability oriented. Employee reward plays a huge role in motivation of well performing employees. It makes them want to give more towards the achievement of the organization’s goals. Benefits are also very important in making the employees feel like they are appreciated by the organization and that they are part of it. As a result the organization will be in a position of improving the contribution of its employees to the achievement of the organization’s goals. Through employee development systems, an organization will have the capability of improving the performance ability of their employees. The skills and experience gained during the process would reflect in the overall productivity of an organization’s workforce. Cases when reward systems have failed to provide incentives include those that involved overspending financial resources on rewarding employee (Walker, 2002). Financial compensation is not the only form of reward that can be used in motivating employees. To avoid thi s, an organization might consider blending all the other forms of compensation and makes sure that all are in line with the organization’s goals and abilities. In a business organization, managers should make sure that they are able to strike a balance between their organization’s commitment to systems of control and to empowering employees. On way through which this can be possible is through making sure that various forms of empowerment have to be earned through employees’ performance (Oh, 2009). They can also keep the balance by making sure that they put in

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Purpose of satisfying the audience Essay Example for Free

Purpose of satisfying the audience Essay On the other hand this is effective because it appeals to the audience and influences their views on Lohan, because it appeals to the audience making them envious of her. In the article from Cosmopolitan Jennifer is more in control and has a more appropriate picture for her target audience which is women from 20-30 where as the picture from sugar is suited for young adults from 13-17. The image of Jennifer is natural and has a sharp focus with a light background to make her stand out more. Jennifer looks like the glamorous one as she says that she no longer has to try hard to please others. This is because her hair is tied back just like herself tied away from the publicity. Her hair is tidy and neat like herself and it is unlike Lindsays hair. Lopez is also smiling at you being more welcoming and approachable whereas Lindsay looks rebellious and standoffish which gives Cosmopolitan readers a good impression. The article meets the purpose of entertaining the audience using imagery. The purpose of Lohans article is to introduce Lindsay and make the target audience who are teenagers, more drawn in and interested in Lindsays life t. The tag which is a piece of small text that tells you about the article, works in favour of promoting both celebrities. In Lindsays case; an alleged love for booze and bad boys Lindsays not your average Hollywood A-lister . Sugar uses quick chatty informal language and the use of booze which is colloquial language. It also uses words like nope and stuffin helps to sell and promote her. When sugar uses these types of phrases appeals to teenagers who tend to read quick easy and short texts. Whereas in Lopezs article the use of formal words like speculation and identifies and longer sentences are appropriate to entertain and satisfy the audience which are adults. They are more effective to the target audience making them feel the magazine is made just for them, but advertising the celebrities at the same time. The articles are trying to publicize Jennifer and Lindsay by putting a positive light on them. Both the articles satisfy the audience because they tell you about an everyday situation and problem. For example the celebritys love life but it is more alluring because it is based and happening to a celebrity and it is easier to compare with our own lives. In Lindsays situation its all about her wanting a boyfriend, however in Lopezs view its more about her former boyfriends and the fact that now shes at the age where she doesnt need men, which appeal to adults. The text is in favour of Lindsay, we can see this because the article talks about her life and the gossip talk that teenagers are interested in. a reported fling with Fred durst (well who hasnt? ) The article is talking about Lindsays relationship, they point the finger at Fred making it seem normal to go out with different boys, saying what Lindsay is doing is right. Which is a popular subject in teenage talk, appealing to the target audience? There is a great contradiction with her wanting to be normal. Sugar says Hollywood clones sport blonde hair, spray on tans and skinny bods And, well, normal figure here sugar says that Lindsay stands out because she doesnt look like other celebrities. She is no longer a red head or has a curvy figure but looks like a Hollywood clone. This is effective to the audience because the target audience are being entertained with this contradiction. She no longer stands out or is not normal in her figure and looks. The anchorage which is a small piece of text at the bottom of a page next to Lohans picture, gives an extra feature which supports the view of Lohan being important. Apparently Colin Farrell turned down the lovely Lindsay when did he get so fussy The anchorage is pointing the finger at Farrell, making him look bad but in my view it just makes Lindsay look more desperate and in need of promotion. Farrell is a celebrity known for his popularity for dating all girls. Whereas Jennifer Lopez doesnt seem to need it, because she has so many years of experience in the celebrity light. The desperation of Lindsay Lohan is more apparent now because she looks like another Hollywood clone, shes become skinny and blonde just like her friend Paris Hilton ( a popular super model) from looking healthy uniquely beautiful to skinny and blonde. In other words selling herself more then she needs to. She is contradicting herself because in the article when shes asked about dieting she says NO! its sad how people have become so aware of how they look, but now shes completely changed herself. The two articles entertain, inform and sell the celebrities lives in a positive light and satisfy the audience using imagery and words appealing to the target audience. In Lohans case she is promoting herself to please her target audience using colloquial language and sorter text. Whereas in Lopezs article, it refers to her love life and puts her in a positive light towards her target audience. Using longer words, formal language and text. The type of language and the length of the text suits and satisfies the different audiences.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Universal declaration of human rights

Universal declaration of human rights INTRODUCTION Universal Declaration of Human Rights(UDHR) was adopted on 10th of December 1948 by General Assembly resolution 217(III).it includes civil and political rights, economic, social, Cultural and group rights. There are quests to transform the declaration to legally binding documents, United Nations eventually adopted the two covenants, that is International covenant on civil and political rights (ICCPR) and International covenant on economic, social and cultural rights (ICESCR) in two separate instruments. The reason for the separate covenants was clearer in different arguments by scholars. In the course of two streams of arguments on whether economic and social rights received United States and western allies support or not was highly polarised that US and Western allies advocated for two separate documents while the desire for single document for both economic and political rights were from USSR and developing counties and when there was need for agreement on both sides during the cold war, US therefore advocated for ‘signature of two separate covenants to allay many fear that division of the Covenant might prioritize civil and political rights over econ omic, social and cultural rights.It indicates that many countries were against proliferation of the covenants while US and allies supported the separation because a single document was then against its capitalist policy, federalism and US stakeholders support, the motion was moved by USA and its interest hold sway, the covenants were proliferated. As a result, human rights were classified into three sub division; the ‘first generation rights known as civil and political rights while the ‘second generation rights are economic, social and cultural rights and ‘group rights as ‘third generation rights.But USA till now has not incorporated the covenants in its national law. ICCPR and ICESCR will be adumbrated by juxtaposing them with other bill of rights. INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS (ICCPR) The preamble of the covenant which was adopted in 1966 but ratified and came into force in 1976 acknowledged that the state parties to the covenants consider principles in the charter of the UN and recognized the civil and political rights in Universal Declaration of Human Rights(UDHR) and duties of individual to other individuals and can be said that this covenant has its foundation in Universal Declaration of Human Rights and UN charter .Currently, there are 165 state parties and 72 signatories to the ICCPR , 113   states are also parties to the First Optional Protocol to the ICCPR..The Second Optional Protocol on abolition of death penalty was adopted for ratification in 1989 and came into force in 1991 with 71 state parties. The Covenant can be divided into a preamble and six parts, Part I -III (Articles 1 to 28) constitutes civil and political rights comparable to European and American conventions on Human Rights and African Charter on Human and Peoples rights and majority of these are ‘negative rights and briefly they are, the right to self determination,the right to life ,freedom from torture ,degrading treatment freedom from slavery and slave trade ,right to liberty and security,the right of detained persons,freedom from imprisonment from debt, freedom of movement and choice of residence,freedom of aliens from arbitrary expulsion ,right to fair trial ,Prohibition against retroactivity of criminal law ,right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law ,right to privacy, right of freedom of thought, conscience and religion, right of opinion and expression ,prohibition of propaganda for war and of incitement to national, racial or religious hatred ,right to peaceful assembly, freedom of association ,right to marry and found a family,rights of the child, political rights,equality before the law,right of person belonging to the minorities.Part IV to VI(Articles 28 to 53) contains monitoring provisions, interpretation and final c lauses. The First optional protocol has 14 articles with nexus to procedures on individual complaints while second optional protocol basically amended the right to life in article 6 of ICCPR. A cursory look at the rights shows they were copied from UDHR in order to develop it from ‘soft law to ‘hard law even the ones without nexus to it could be traced to other regional human rights, for emphasis, civil and political rights are in UDHR articles 2 to 21 while Articles 22 to 27 contains economic, social and cultural rights .ICCPR unlike Article 17 UDHR and ECHR first protocol did not however cover ‘protection to the right to property, it also did not contain rights to nationality and asylum. UDHR is normative declaration and statement of guidance in observance of human rights universally while ICCPR and ICESCR are legally binding instrument on the basis of the principle of pacta ,sunt servanda .it confers obligation on the parties because it arises from treaty. The advantage of UDHR is that all human rights and covenants relied on it and copied copiously from it, for example civil and political rights copied from, articles 3,4,5,6,9,10 etc; economic and so cial rights also copied from articles 22,23,24,25,26,and 27,importantly, ICCPR is the most comprehensive and well established UN treaty on civil and political rights.ICCPR and UDHR both share similarity by setting universal standard with the use of word ‘everyone ‘no one ‘all people, ‘all human beings. ICCPR nature as a ‘general and universal human rights treaty, most of its rights apply to every human being. Article 2(1) of ICCPR disallow any discrimination in the application of the rights, however, some of the rights are applicable only to certain categories of people like Article 6(5) restriction on death penalty is applicable only to pregnant woman and under 18 years of age. Article 27 is applicable only to ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities. Article 12 on freedom of movement is applicable to lawful residents and not illegal immigrant. Article 25 on political rights is exclusive to citizens; Article 13 on lawful redress against expression is for alien. Article 24 is for children. Political rights in article 25 ar e not for alien but for citizens. The benefit of Article 14(2) and (3) is for those charged with criminal offences. A keen observation shows that some rights are more detailed in the covenant while some are in general terms, for example Article 6,9,10, and 14(restriction) are detailed while   others are generally mentioned. Other treaties however provided detailed provisions of the generally termed rights in ICCPR, for example, UN Conventions on Discrimination against Women, the Convention on the Right of the Child, Convention against Genocide, Torture, Racial Discrimination and Declaration on Elimination of Belief or Religious Intolerance. Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities, International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance.All these have generated civil and political rights into details. Most importantly however, Section 40(4) enables Human Rights Committees to comment while transmitting its report and by this explain the meaning of the rights under the covenant. Importantly, Article 2(1) talked about ‘positive character of civil and political rights ‘it means, as in the case of economic, social and cultural rights, that states parties must take positive steps to give effect to the covenant rights and to enable individuals to enjoy their rights.Some covenants on human rights are not without enforcement mechanism which is common in report system; whereby state parties submit report on the implementation of the rights in the covenant.Human Right Committee (HRC) has the monitoring task ascribed to it by article 28 of ICCPR to ensure compliance of state parties to their obligations and examine state reports in accordance to Article 40.It has inter-state and individual complaints procedure and this the committee has developed ‘far beyond the narrow limit of their legal framework due to its independent membership. The committee however lack power of forceful enforcement but only has persuasive enforcement power in term of submission of reports per time by state parties since they have obligation under Art icle 2(1) to respect and observe the covenanted rights. ICCPR substantive rights can be analysed further and in relation to incorporation of same in states national laws, many state parties had incorporated ICCPR in their national law and allow its invocation in national courts save countries like Australia, Canada, UK , USA and few othershowever, that does not mean ICCPR is not binding on these countries. Right to life in Article 6 is about ‘arbitrary deprivation of life and not about ‘absolute prohibition of taking life.In Guerreno V Columbia, where national law authorized killing by police on national interest. HRC found that national legislation could not justify Columbian police action of taking life ‘arbitrarily. In regards to the Socio Economic aspects of Article 6, right to life must not be seen in narrow perspective, right to life can also be deprived by hunger, diseases, malnutrition and epidemics .HRC confirmed that article 6 has an aspects of socio economic rights and many people died of these than being kill ed, it is submitted that death can be a result of absence of implementation of social and economic interest in ICESR. It is encouraging that HRC has addressed ‘socio-economic aspects of Article 6 which optional protocol lack ‘mechanism for its redress. HRC cited war, armed conflict and abortion of foetus as threat to life. Article 7 disallows torture, inhuman and degrading treatment ,and complemented by Article 10 which disallow a lesser treatment than that disallowed in Article 7.The article was expanded in scope by UN Convention Against Torture(CAT)1984.The act must be ‘malevolent and required   public official as perpetrator of it by consent as CAT committee agreed with the author in Dzemajl et al V Yugoslavia as well as HRC in Francis V Jamaica.It is submitted that torture can be a result of social and economic deprivation like lack of   housing facilities and gainful employment can cause people to sleep on the floor under the bridge which constitute tortur e. Also, solitary imprisonments without medical attention constitute torture. Few of the  Ã‚   rights discussed though constitute civil and political rights, nevertheless has economic and social interest and this is applicable to almost all civil and political rights, therefore, concern must also be given to economic   and social rights as well. INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS The covenant was adopted alongside ICCPR to develop UDHR rights, it contains ‘second generation rights. it was opened for signature in came into force in 1976 with 155 States as parties as at January 2007.During the cold war, western countries showed preference for political and civil rights while socialist states became sponsors of economic, Social and cultural rights.ICESR covenant with new optional protocol has preamble that is similar to ICCPR that is, ‘founded on the inherent dignity of the human person. it also has five parts, Part I of the covenant is solely on Article 1,which on right of all people to self determination with free right to pursue economic, social and cultural development and right to deal freely with their natural resources and wealth. Part II of the covenant in Article 2 to 5 states obligations and clauses that are applicable to Part III generally. Part III constitutes substantive provisions, what Cravens called ‘the heart of the covenant includes, the right to work,the right of fair condition of employment, the right to join and form trade unions, the right to social securities, the right to protection of family right to adequate standard of living, the right to health, right to education, and the right to culture and enjoyment of scientific progress .Part IV is about system of supervision by submission of periodic report to UN ,the reports which will be scrutinized by economic and social council of the UN (ECOSOC).The   part also contain ‘saving clause with intention of ensuring   developed states did not interfere excessively by means of the supervisory system in the utilization of natural resources within developing countries.Part V is on ratification ,process of amendment ,its application to federal ,states ‘without   any limitations or exceptionsand its entry into forceSome of the article of the covenant are recognised in other international convention like Convention on the Rights of Child(1989),Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination(1965) e.t.c. The supervision of the covenant by virtues of Articles 16 and 17 is by Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), one of the UN organs, states send their report to the Secretary General of UN, who will in turn transmit the report to ECOSOC for consideration. ECOSOC in 1985 created a new body to assist in report consideration, the body is the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, now the main supervisory body. ICCPR, ICESCR AND PROTECTION Preamble of both covenants indicates they are both Civil and Political rights as well as economic, social and cultural rights. The two covenants are like a coin with two sides. The 1993 Vienna declaration of programme of action recognised the ‘interdependence and interrelationship of both covenants. Both covenants contribute to the erga omnes principle and care must be taken trying to classify rights into ‘superior or ‘inferior, in hierarchical terms so as not to affect the credibility of human rights.Both covenant codified in treaty form the rights in UDHR. Parties can not terminates both covenants once ratified, it is an obligation that can not be denounced because they have no temporary nature.Both covenants believe in ‘collective right to self determination, the right allows ‘all people to freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural developmentand both instruments are legally binding and they are treaties that must be respected. Both instruments copied copiously from UDHR and both rights are product of cold war era between USSR and its allies and USA and its allies. Universa l language and terms are in the two covenants, UDHR shows the interdependency of the covenants before they were separated and made binding treaties. The compactness and interdependency still reflects in their articles, for example, rights to form Trade Union in ICESCR is recognised as freedom of association by ICCPR, Article 13 of ICESCR deal with education and liberty of parents to choose school for their children can be seen in Article 18 of ICCPR right of parents to choose religion and moral education of their child; Article 2 and 26 deal with prohibition of same discriminations and both recognise family They are interrelated to the extent that one will be miserable without the other covenant. The difference between the two covenants can first be seen in both covenants Artcle2 (1) of ICCPR is assertive while Article 2(1)   of ICESCR is passive .ICESCR is subject to the ‘maximum of its available resources and ‘with a view to achieving progressively while ICCPR put it that state parties ‘undertakes to respect and ensure compliance. The language in ICESR has been criticised ‘for devoid of meaningful content and only impose ‘programmatic obligations upon government. ‘The tenor of the economic covenant is promotional rather than mandatory, the covenant is designed to promote economic and social welfare, not to hinder it by placing states under obligations, that prevent widespread economic and social reformThe   enforcement machinery of ICESC is not as strong as that of ICCPR, State party under ICESC is to submit report every five years to the committee on economic, social and cultural rights(CESCR)with the aim of achieving same purpose as human right committee of ICCPR but of which the outcome of CESCR has been more ‘political than ‘legal exercisesUnlike ICCPR,ICESCR has no right of individual petition because the intention of ICESCR is not to interfere with ‘State Control over citizen and non citizen at the same pedigree as ICCPR.HRC according to article 40 of ICCPR, is the only mandatory monitoring procedure that the covenant established, it received report at the first year of its entry into force and subsequently in accordance to committee requests. Their report is publicly examined, the inter state procedure is not better than mediation and conciliation procedure and committee can only express its view on this basis which may not be accepted by state party, and Parties to First Optional Protocol had submitted themselves to the jurisdiction of Human Rights Committee, in ‘practice, a total of 844 individual communication relating to 59 states have so far been dealt with by the committee of which 248 were declared inadmissible and 308 were decided on their merits by so called final views under Article 5(4)of the optional protocol. ‘Decisions are neither legally binding nor politically enforceable and by implication, compliance are left at the mercy of relevant state organs for adoption of the committees recommendations which based its decisions on written submission of parties before it. SHOULD HUMAN RIGHTS BE PRIMARILY CIVIL AND POLITICAL ALONE? The two rights are sacrosanct to balanced protection of human rights since the two Covenants are interrelated; therefore one must not be neglected at the expense of the other. The juxtaposition of both covenants above shows that they are interwoven and interdependent, though this has been criticised as a compromise after the failure to equate ICESR with ICCPR which is not true. it is submitted that the foundation of both covenants made them equal but the cold war separated them and classified them into ‘generations of rights if ICESR had been considered with ICCPR as a single document, it would have been ‘ first generation rights as well, after all UDHR never desire the instrumental divorce. It has been argued at one extreme that economic and social rights are superior to civil and political in hierarchical standard of value, the argument well founded, for example, what essence is the political rights to an illiterate who doesnt know his right?   Economic and social right can correct this. Again, what essence is freedom of speech and expression to an hungry man? Economic and Social rights like right to work and right to food or standard of living can solve this. Displaced and homeless will only understand freedom of association as avenue for crime. it is therefore submitted that   total deficiency of social and economic interest will lead to counter productivity of civil and political freedom. if Social and economic   interest are deficient in mass and free civil or political will society, it will eventually hamper the latter. Hunger, Homelessness, economic frustration can cause violence and breach of civil and political rights, the civil and political problems in Rwanda, Somalia and Niger Delta in Nigeria were due to social and economic imbalance that ICESR can address for peace to reign. Economic and Social interest are instrumental to societal peace. Should human rights therefore be concerned primarily with protection of civil and political rights? The analysis above answers the question, the two covenants are contiguously related and where they are not, they complement each other. The argument of critics against economic and social interest can be summarised and dismissed as follow. That civil and political right has binding obligation language whereas economic and social right has passive and ‘progressive achievement.One may partially agree with this but law is not static, it has progressive formation of a binding nature, it only allow state party to have assessment of resources   for steady implementation. Another criticism is that to observe civil and political rights, state party has to abstain from doing act against the right s and these are ‘negative rights whereas state party has to intervene to observe economic and social rights and this makes it ‘positive rights. One may rightly say here that some civil and political rights required prompt intervention too like economic and social right. It has been argued that civil and political right are easier to implement because of little resources required while economic and social right required substantial resources for implementation. it is submitted that resources wasted in political right alone is enough to take care of economic and social interest, especially in developing countries, resources wasted on rigged election, bribery and corruption on political reasons and payment of political office holders is enough to fix economic and social interests. it is submitted that political rights in expression through democracy, is the most expensive rights in the world. ICESCR was criticised further that it lacked enforcement mechanism and that the co ntent of the right is not as authoritative as ICCPR. Argument premised on ICCPR Inter state and individual procedures of complaints while that of ICESCR is weak. This problem has received the attention of UN General Assembly when on 18 June 2008, HRC adopted Optional Protocol on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and   10 December 2008,UN adopted it, the optional protocol in its Article 2 provides for Inter State and Individual Complaint Procedure like ICCPR in economic, and social rights Complaints, Article 1 states that CESR can receive communication on breach of economic, social and cultural rights. The protocol was opened for signature in September 2009; this is a primary focus on economic and social interests. State membership and cooperation with International Organisations are making them to protect and promote indirectly and directly Economic, Social and Cultural rights, organisations   like UNDP, UNICEF and specialised agencies like IMF .ILO,UNESCO and few NGO in coop eration with chapter IX of UN charter. CONCLUSION The school of thought that believes that the two covenants are interrelated and interconnected is the best. Most Articles in ICCPR has economic and or social interest, Primary concern for civil and political rights only will collapse the rights itself. ICESCR is no longer weak in its enforcement with September 2009 open signature of its Optional Protocol. Giving primary attention to civil and political rights as opposed to economic interest is no longer in compliance with new World economic order, if States can fund political rights via democracy, they must be able to fund economic and social interest, many government of State parties that neglects economic and social interest do fail woefully in civil and political mandates, why? Because economic and political interest falls within primary values encompassing children and family interest and unit of family makes a state .it is high time States began to honour the covenant they entered into 33 years ago   (1976) with intention to b e bound   on pacta sunt servanda principle. The era of its gradual development is gone with 2009.Absence of war or conflict is not an assurance of peace and security but sincere determination in solving economic and social obstacles. Political and civil rights will only exist at the assurance of economic and social interest.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Significance Of The Sermon Of The Mount Religion Essay

Significance Of The Sermon Of The Mount Religion Essay In this essay, I am going to explain the significance of the Sermon of the Mount and how it relates to the rest of the teachings of Jesus. I will start by defining the meaning of the term Sermon of the Mount, the significance of the sermon of the mount and the structure of the Sermon of the Mount in Matthew 5:3 7; 27. Furthermore, I will discuss the key theological themes in the Sermon of the Mount. I will conclude by reflecting on the centrality of the Sermon of the Mount to the other teachings of Jesus in the gospels. WHAT IS THE SERMON OF THE MOUNT? The term The Sermon of the Mount originated from the title of Augustines commentary on Matthew 5 7, De Sermone Domini in Monte, which was published in 391 396 AD. Matthew 5 7 became well known as the Sermon on the Mount in the 16th Century. The modern term of Matthew 5 7 is Sermon on the plain. This term is used mainly to differentiate between Lukes shorter version of the sermon of the mount from Matthews version. There are two versions of the Sermon on the Mount: Matthews version Matthew 5: 3 7:27 which consists of 106 verses. Lukes version Sermon on the plain Luke 6:20-49.  [1]   THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT ETHICAL TEACHING The gospel of Matthew provided the Jewish Christians with evidences to ascertain their faith in Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus in the gospel of Matthew introduced the kingdom of heaven. Hence, the sermon of the mount is of great significance because it expounds the ethics of the Kingdom of heaven which was introduced by Christ Jesus. Therefore, the sermon of the mount summarised the code of conduct in this new kingdom of heaven. Furthermore, the sermon of the mount set the standards of discipleship in the kingdom of heaven. In this sermon, Jesus showed his disciples how to live the life of the kingdom. This kingdom way of living lays great emphasis on the inner life which is in contrast to the outward workings of religious activities of the Sadducees and the Pharisees.  [2]  In addition, Jesus stated that, the ethical conduct of the disciples must exceed that of the scribes and the Pharisees before they can enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:20). Henceforth, the disciples of Jes us are called to a superior ethical conduct which is by the Grace of God. This ideal character of Discipleship in the kingdom of heaven is achievable by the infusion of the gift of righteousness in the spirit of the New Testament believer. THE STRUCTURE OF THE SERMON OF THE MOUNT The Beatitudes forms the main introduction of the sermon of the mount. The central section of the sermon is from Matthew 5:17 to Matthew 7:12. This section opens and closes with Reference to The Law and The Prophets. The sermon ends by an epilog in Matthew 7:13 27.  [3]   THE KEY THEOLOGICAL THEMES OF THE SERMON OF THE MOUNT 1) The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3 12) The Beatitudes are named from the Latin word Beatus meaning blessed. These are the rewards from the blessings and responsibilities of discipleship. The Greek term means happy, fortunate  [4]  . In Matthew, there are nine beatitudes and four in Lukes version of the Sermon on the Mount. The word Makarios is at the beginning of the beatitudes. It means happiness which is as a result of God given salvation  [5]  . Jesus revealed in the beatitudes, the essential nature of true happiness. This happiness is achieved by relying and depending wholly on God.  [6]   Andrew Perriman points out that the beatitude described a marginalized group within Israel that will benefit from future turn of events. His view established the eschatological dimension of the rewards of true discipleship in the kingdom of heaven  [7]   Matthew 5:14 states You are the light of the world. A city that is set a hill can not be hidden. In John 8:12, Jesus said I am the light of the world, he that follows me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life This teaching in the Sermon of The mount has a direct comparison with Jesus teaching in the gospel of John. Jesus expects His disciples to shine in the midst of the darkness of this world. Hence, as Jesus is the light, the disciples will eventually become the light of the world. 2) The Law and the Prophets (Matthew 5: 17 20) The new ethical standards put forward by Christ deals with the motives behind the actions of men. In accordance with Christs Standard, sin begins in the mind and in the will of men  [8]   In addition, Jesus said he has come to fulfil the Law and the Prophets. His ethical instructions reveal how the Law of the Torah will operate under the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, the Law and the Prophets are fulfilled in the inner life of motives behind the actions of men. The kingdom of heaven is within the heart of the New Testament believer. This kingdom is expected to produce corresponding actions that reflects the inner life of peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. 3) The Antitheses (Matthew 5: 21 48) The structure of the sayings of Jesus within Matthew 5: 21 48, have the same pattern: You have heard that it was said (by God) to those of old à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ but I say to youà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The style of Jesus words repeats itself in six paragraphs. Three of the six paragraphs have similar parallels with Lukes Sermon on the Plain. The phrase but I say to you seems to suggest that the sayings of Jesus is in opposition to the scripture of the Torah. Therefore, Matthew 5 : 21 48 is often referred to as the Antitheses. Matthew is known for the antithetical structure of his writings. However, this antithetical style of writing can also be found in Luke 6: 27 But I say to you who hear à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. According to Davies and Allison, the antithesis has two primary functions: It shows the kind of attitude and behaviour that is required by Jesus in the life of His disciples. The demands of the ethical standards of Jesus surpassed those of the Torah without contradicting the Torah. For example, one can abstain from committing adultery and still lusts in his heart  [9]   4) The Golden Rule and the Greatest commandment (Matthew 7:12, Luke 10:25 28, Matthew 22: 34 40). Whatever you wish that others do to you, do so to them. This statement has been known as the Golden Rule since the 18th century. There are various parallels to this statement in Greco Romans, oriental and Jewish writings. The Golden Rule in Matthew 7: 12 according to Jesus is Law and The Prophets. That is, it sums up the whole essence of the Law and The Prophets in the Torah. The teaching of Jesus on the two greatest commandments in Mark 12: 28-34 love God and love your neighbour as yourself. In Matthew 22:40, Jesus said on this two commandments hang all the Law and The Prophets. The Golden rule and the love commandments are the very essence of the scriptural teachings of Jesus. Furthermore, the Golden Rule in the sermon of the mount is the bedrock of all the teachings of Jesus as it is revealed in the gospel account of Luke, Mark, and John. In summary, the Golden rule in the sermon of the Mount has direct relationship to the major teachings of Christ in the gospels.  [10]   THE EPILOG: TWO WAYS The Epilog of the Sermon Of the Mount contains a series of contrasts. It starts with the contrast between the gate and the way which leads to death or life. There are other examples of contrast between two ways in Deuteronomy 11:26, 30:15, Jeremiah 21:8 and many Jewish and Christian writings. The Epilog summarizes the picture of the beauty in the life of anyone who makes the right decision in life.  [11]   CONCLUSION In this essay, I have attempted to show the significance of the Sermon Of the Mount and its relationship with the other teaching of Christ in the gospels. I approach this essay by exploring the theological themes in the Sermon on the Mount. The Golden Rule in the Sermon on the Mount is the foundation of the Law and the Prophets. This rule parallels with the two greatest commandments, which is Love the Lord your God with all your heart and love your neighbour as yourself. In conclusion, the Sermon on the Mount summarizes the totality of the ethical teachings of Christ in the gospel.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Free Essays - Comparing Odysseus and Medea :: comparison compare contrast essays

Free Essays on Homer's Odyssey: Odysseus and Medea "Let me hear no smooth talk of death from you, Odysseus, light of councils. Better, I say, to break sod as a farm hand for some poor country man, on iron rations, than lord it over all the exhausted dead." Right before restless Odysseus leaves Circe, she tells him that he must go down into Hades to visit the shade of Teiresias, the blind prophet who advises Odysseus of his homecoming (the Wanderings). He then goes on to meet the shades of the queens and lovers of dead heroes and finally the heroes themselves. In the quotation cited, Odysseus is talking with Achilles, the greatest hero of the Trojan War. Achilles, while alive, was fully cognizant of his choice between a long life spent in obscurity or a short life, filled with glory. He chose the latter. I suppose Achilles quickly realized after he died that fame has no meaning for you after you're dead. In retrospect, he understood that death gives meaning, and fills one up with the passion for life. Every action, however mundane, is filled with the miracle of life and completes itself when one interacts with others. This is what Achilles meant when he asks Odysseus about his son and his former kingdom--never mind the dead, what are the living doing? Achilles yearns to be back among the living. This theme of death giving meaning to life is prevalent throughout the Odyssey. Hell is death, heaven is now, in life, in the field of time and action. Odysseus nearly died of homesickness (or boredom) when Kalypso detained him on her island, hoping to make him her immortal husband. Odysseus knew if he drank that ambrosia, life would be eternal, you'd have a beautiful house and a babe for a wife, but things would get terribly vapid after a certain point. Immortality is death, in this sense. Finally, it is Athena (thought, action) who convinces the gods (who are, I think, jealous of us mortals) to let Odysseus off the island and back into his life. It is interesting to note that even Hermes couldn't wait to get off Kalypso's island--"who would willingly come here? There is no city of men nearby. . . . . Ultimately, Odysseus' journey to Ithaka is about embracing one's life, accepting the challenges, the dangers, pitfalls, and joys, with courage, tenacity and a keen sense of what it takes to maintain balance in one's life.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Tale of Two Cities Essays: The Character of Lucie Manette :: Tale Two Cities Essays

The Character of Lucie Manette in A Tale of Two Cities Lucie Manette, in A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, is a quiet young woman. She is deeply compassionate but never develops a real believable character. Her feelings, which are similar in all cases, are revealed to us when she interacts with her father Dr. Manette, Charles Darney, and Sydney Carton. During the scene in the shoemaker's shop the reader learns about daughter Manette through description, actions, and her words. First off, we picture her slowly coming out of the darkness. Next she is described as young, with golden hair, and a dress. Her words are the main point of study, though. The reader has been drawn in by the first superficial description and now we expect that her words will build a strong character in Lucie. Her words however, may be important to the revival of Dr. Manette, but do not create a real, strong, true-to-life character. The comforting words are just a bad sentimental melodrama and she says, "weep for it, weep for it!," over and over. Miss Manette's conversation with Carton is a similar type of conversation in which she reassures Carton several times. The line "If that will be a consolation to you", is a summary of the conversation between Carton and Lucie. Lucie Manette is at the center of the group in Soho, a suburb of London. Because Lucie is a main character we expect her to be in the middle of gatherings. Miss Pross says that hundreds of people visit Lucie, an exageration but still many pay visit to her house in Soho. Because Lucie's character is not fully developed and because we don't fully know her, we are left wondering what part of her character, or personality, makes her so attractive to everyone.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Marketing Plan Mkt 421 U of P

Team C Product – Safety Step University of Phoenix MKT/421 Robin Reis March 29, 2010 Organizational overview Ames is a leader in North America and is known for its quality non-powered garden and lawn products. Ames was founded in 1774 by Captain John Ames. During most of the company’s past 230 years of service the company produced only shovels and controlled 60% of the U. S. market share (n. d. ). Over the past three decades Ames has purchased several companies to widen its market share to include quality non-powered lawn and garden products. In 1991 Ames acquired the Garant Company a Canadian company and in 1997 purchased Woodings-Verona and IXL. Over the next decade the shovel giant continued to purchase various companies in the garden and lawn business. The shovel giant is again looking for ways to expand its product line; Ames will introduce a new daughter company called Safety Step. Ames is a leader in quality products and customer satisfaction, Safety Step will keep the same quality and workmanship and focus on the customer. The Mission Statement is to develop and deliver the most reliable non-powered lawn and garden products including tools and decorative accessories that provide quality to our customers, maximize sustainable profitability, and drive shareholder value. We believe that our global manufacturing strategy, based primarily upon a blend of domestic manufacturing and sourced product, makes us cost-competitive while allowing us to provide a high level of customer service (â€Å"Ames true temper,†). Safety Steps is in the heart of the snow and ice to ensure quality product development is continued. The main headquarters is in Mount Washington New Hampshire. The average snowfall in Mount Washington is 260. 6 inches (NCDC, 2010), with an annual low mean temperature of 19 degrees. Mount Washington is noted for its extreme weather conditions, one of the world's highest wind velocities (231 miles [372 kilometer] per hour) has been recorded there in 1934 (Britannica, 2010). The production plant is in Marquette, Michigan. The city has an annual snowfall of 141 inches (NCDC, 2010) and an annual mean temperature of 8. 7 (Current Results, 2010). Safety Step is introducing a heated floor mat to allow both homeowners and commercial businesses a safe, snow and ice-free walkway into and out of their homes and businesses. The mat will have multiple attachments and color options to fit the demand of the customer. New Product Description The following paragraphs below take in consideration a new product that our parent company will amplify a tangible product for a household consumer and commerc ial customer. The difference between the consumer products market and the business product market is derived demand – the demand for business products derives from the demand for final consumer products (Kerin, Berkowitz, Hartley, & Rudelius, 2006). This product provides safety steps while walking through and on increment weather, snow, ice, or wet surfaces. The technology and design of the durable nonslip diamond-top surface has ? in diameter holes for excellent drainage and safe passage as pedestrians walk on surface. A mat that covers a walkway or porch that prevents snow and ice from forming called Safety Step. The mat can be purchased in different lengths and widths and has additional attachments for steps. The mat is plugged into an outlet that keeps the snow and ice from forming on it. The mat uses low wattage technology minimizing the amount of electricity used during operation. The product contains a circuit that will turn itself off in case of any power interruption or surge. It has a non-skid, non-slip proof surface that even when wet will prevent a person from slipping on it. The mat dimensions are two feet wide by five feet long. ? SWOT Analysis The external and internal factors of a business forces their company and management to come up with solutions to potential threats. A SWOT analysis aids to guide business strategies and identifies threats and opportunities an acknowledging the external and internal factors into the business plan will allows a company to achieve goals, and keeping a vision and mission of that company from failure. SWOT Analysis StrengthsWeaknessesOpportunitiesThreats Highest quality of products Safety step can be looked upon as seasonal item Uses a new type of technologies’ Competitors can alter Safety Step Provides safety steps for pedestrians as they move on surfaceCostly to hold inventory in warehousesCustomer service personal commitmentIncreases production; therefore, increases in production causing prices to increase Versatile can be used in landscapingCan be ordered 24hours online Strengths The uniqueness in the marketplace comes from the vision, mission, and values of Ames. We are well known worldwide and earn the trust of many customers and deliver the highest quality of products and services to our customers. Pedestrians walk with confidence and safety. Unique colors and costume features attract versatility. ? Weakness The Safety Step may be looked upon as only a seasonal item. Incremental weather only; therefore, overlooking the fact that the Safety Step technology design provides efficiency, safe comfort, and in all kinds of weather. Opportunities The unique colors and custom attachments provide a wide range of surfaces uses. The technologies that Safety Steps requires extra workers; therefore, providing new jobs. Ordering on telephone has direct access to talk with customer representatives, earning and keeping the trust of personal commitment. Promotes less injuries and lost time at work, or decorative yard landscaping feature. Threats Competitors can alter the Safety Step to make something similar whereas Ames would have to do fast adjustments; therefore, causing an increases in production or cost making the Safety Step less appealing because it becomes too expensive to own. Trends Recently on the news everyone has heard about how crazy the weather has been. The State of Washington covered in snow for weeks; the state of Texas covered four days of nine and 10 inches of snow. The world’s ever-changing environment it is a perfect time to launch a great product like the Safety Step. Marketing Research Market research for the Safety Step consists of consumer analysis and industry analysis. Consumer analysis will consist of secondary data gathered from the 2000 US Census Bureau that lists the potential households in cold weather states that may purchase the Safety Step. Primary analysis will consist of surveys of shoppers at a few targeted stores in the regions in which the Safety Step is planned to be sold. Demographics Demographics for the Safety Step are areas of the United States that experience cold weather below 35 degrees F. The Safety Step can be marketed to both consumers and businesses. Consumers would purchase the Safety Step to ensure a clear snow free/ice free walkway during the wintertime. Using the US Census Bureau results from 2000 there are 31 states in which the Safety Step may be marketed. Appendix A shows the states and the total households per state. The Census results show a US market potential of 60 million households in 31 cold weather states. Psychographics The consumer psychographics are homeowners in cold climates that have walkways prone to ice buildup. Homeowners with ice buildup fear someone slipping on the ice and causing an injury. Homeowners can be liable of injuries sustained on their property because of negligence. Safety Step will prevent any ice from forming on walkways removing the fear for the homeowners. Behaviors (e. g. purchase behaviors) Safety Step will be marketed to homeowners stating the benefit that the product provides to the consumer by eliminating ice buildup. The convenience of placing Safety Step on the walkway at the beginning of cold weather and plugging it in will be communicated to the consumers to promote the product. Geographical considerations Safety Step will be marketed in the colder states because of its snow/ice melting features for the consumer market. The business market will also be targeted in the colder states. Industrial Analysis Competitor Analysis Safety Step competition for the consumer market comes in many forms. The snow shovel is one source of competition in which the homeowner believes that if they just shovel well enough there will be no need for the product. Another competitor is the chemical product that the homeowner throws on top of the ice and as the chemical starts to work the ice is melted. The shovel and chemicals both need to be used after the snow or ice has built up whereas the Safety Step prevents snow and ice from forming on the walkway eliminating the potential of someone slipping. Segmentation Market segmentation for this product is important to justify the necessary marketplace needs. This product may be useful for some clients, and yet others may not find a need. This segmentation process is important to understand the needs of the client. A client who lives in Mexico is most likely not going to need a mat that warms up. This is understandable that this is not the target demographic . Criteria The geographic segmentation involves extensive research into the needs of the clients within the different areas. Demographic segmentation is based on the age, income level, purchasing power, gender, family size, nationality, religion, education (Mathe, 2010). The demographic segmentation focuses more on the larger purchases that a family may make such as a home or vehicle. Target Markets The sale of this product is more likely to be based on geography. Certain states with different climates will be more inclined to purchase a product that they can use in the winter. The Safety Step will be marketed to the all states that have a temperature that drops below 40 degrees in a normal year. These states will be the primary sales areas, but the product will also be available through website and catalog throughout the world. This product is important for those who have had issues with bad weather and are having issues with safety outside. Differentiation and Positioning The competing consumer products are shovels and chemical products that melt snow and ice after it has formed. Safety Step will be marketed with the approach that the mat melts snow and ice before it can build up on the customer’s step. The plan is to draw attention to the fact Safety Step is a safer product because it does not allow the snow and ice to build up on the step whereas the competitor’s product does. This will give Safety Step the unique position of promoting the product as safer than the competitor’s promotes. Another marketing strategy that will be used is the Safety Step’s ease of use. The plan is to market Safety Step to the consumers with the information that the all the consumer needs to do is lay the mat down on the step and plug it in before the weather turns cold. The approximate cost to operate is $0. 02 per hour. This is an estimate based on the cost per kilowatt-hour is $0. 15. Cost per kilowatt-hour may vary by state or region. The marketing approach will continue by stating Safety Step will provide a snow/ice from form on the walkway even during a heavy snowstorm unlike shovels or chemical products that require the consumer to go outside and shovel or apply the chemical to the step. The position defined with ease of use approach will be put the Safety Step on the consumer’s steps at the beginning of the cold weather plug it in and the consumer does not need to bother with the product until spring comes. This will differentiate the product from shovels and chemicals that have to be used frequently during winter months. Product Life Cycle Product life cycle needs to be understood and managed for a product to be successful. The market introduction phase for Safety Step may be a longer process than other products handled by Ames Company because there is no other product currently on the market similar to the Safety Step. The marketing approach during the introduction phase will be to demonstrate the product at local Home and Garden shows held in major cold weather cities throughout the United States. Additionally, direct mailings will be sent to households in major cold weather cities informing the consumer of the product. These approaches should provide the interest needed for the product to move into the market growth phase of the product life cycle. The market growth phase of Safety Step should last one winter season and possibly even two winter seasons before competitors develop a similar product. During the market growth phase advertising will continue with the direct personal approach for sales. The plan is to have one-on-one meetings and demonstrations of the product in the customer’s home. It is expected that the demonstrations will increase word of mouth publicity that will increase sales. Once the consumer interest has been established and the competition has similar products Safety Step will enter the market maturity phase of the life cycle. During this phase the marketing approach will be to offer discounts for consumers who buy more than one Safety Step. The advertising for Safety Step during the maturity phase will point out Safety Step’s durability and quality attributes as well as pointing out any other attribute that Safety Step has that the competition does not. The maturity phase of the life cycle should last a minimum of two to three years before another better product is introduced and sales start to decline. The sales decline life cycle may be short in duration as the new products take sales away from Safety Step. The approach during the sales decline phase will be to advertise the Ames company brand along with the products quality and durability features. The product price may also have to be reduced to keep consumers interest. The price will only be lowered to such that the company is still making a small profit but not much. The production of Safety Step will be stopped once the competition has driven the price below the cost to produce the product. Planning a marketing strategy for all four phases of the product life cycle will help to make Safety Step a successful product. Marketing mix In order for an organization to be successful, balance marketing fosters the termination of a new product or service. When examining the marketing mix for a product launch or new service eliminating the threat factor can happen if managed correctly. Understanding the tools are necessary, as marketers call the four Ps, will put the right product or the right type of service at the right point of sale price. Product and Service A new product or service first step is to consider where to begin, create and develop the process launch unto the public. An organization considers itself first when asking does it meet the needs in the perspective for the customer, how assessable can the organization provide and distribute its product or service; moreover, will the customer consider that the new product is a fair price and easy to remember the brand because the marketing communications developed. Type of Product Introducing Safety Step when weather grows tough and budgets are tighter, customers can rely on Ames to offer a quality new product at an extraordinary price. Safety Step is a heated floor mat offered to both homeowners and commercial businesses. This product provides safety steps while walking through and on incremental weather, snow, ice, or wet surfaces. The heated mat electrical waves built within provide enough heat to penetrate through snow and ice. The melted and wet surface drains from the sides of covered area. The technology and design of the durable nonslip diamond-top surface has ? in diameter holes for excellent drainage and traction. Features †¢Vinyl top is tough enough to take abuse from works shoes and wheelchairs. †¢Safe comfort provides workers with a cushioned area to stand or work that decreases strain on feet and legs. †¢Resist oil, greases, and liquid †¢ Runners (sides of the mat) are beveled around the entire mat to prevent tripping hazards †¢Snow /ice melting features for consumers/ business markets †¢Versatile can also be unitizes landscaping Identification/ Brand Ames Corporation is a quality merchandiser that customers can trust with reliable service. Ames distinguishes products from the competition with unique colors, and custom features that extends mats through easy attachments. Production and Delivery Service Products can be ordered online through secure shopping 24 hours a day. If a customer is registered through Ames website, Ames will offer discounts of 10%. Orders on a telephone have direct access to talk with a customer service representative. Orders in and service by mail fax, online or phone features to keep any customer happy. Ames has several large warehouses with large stock quantities. Shipping in some cases will be free, and for large orders because of super size surfaces coverage, Ames provides installing services as customer courtesy. Pricing The Safety Step mat has little to no competition in the market in comparison to other products as potato chips. The research has shown that less than 10 competitor mats are available for purchase now. The competitor’s mats range from $99. 95 to $127. 98. These mats are primarily online with little to no advertisement. The Safety Step will be priced accordingly to ensure sales are possible for the company and the employees. Although there is not a single way to price a product there are many ways to test the market and find an appropriate price for an item. The pricing strategy for this product begins with performing a market analysis, segmentation, targeting, and positioning. Understanding that this mat is most useful in an environment that is more likely to have ice or snow is necessary when analyzing the market. The product sales will need to be focused on the beginning of the winter season. The spring and summer months are less likely to have a large amount of sales. The demand will increase in the beginning of the winter cycle; the price of the item should coincide to help sell the item. The cost of production will also have an effect on the product. The company will attempt to maximize the current profit, while taking into account revenue and costs. Maximizing the quantity of product is justified to have preparation of customers. The status quo is keeping the product stable avoiding price wars among other companies. The company will choose to focus on a cost plus pricing method to achieve the production costs as well as a small profit to achieve a toehold in the market. Once the product has been placed for sale the market will show the company what if any reduction of price should take place. If the product sells quickly than the company may need to reevaluate their pricing strategy for the future. Safety Step will be price competitively at $99. 00. Production costs for each mat is roughly $38 dollars, distribution costs is a percentage of each sale and base pay for the sales team. This comes to about $15 dollars per mat sold. If the staff sells 100 mats to a retailer, they will net $1500 dollars. Marketing of the product is $3 dollars per mat. The retail price of the mat should be $99 dollars; this price is based on the $56 dollars in costs and overhead with $10 dollars going to the retail establishment for sales. This leaves a profit of $33 dollars per mat. This profit will go toward revelation of the product and the continued manufacturing of the product. Based on 100 mat sales the company would make $3300 dollars in profit. This mat must have 1000 sales in order for the company to have a good profit base. Once the market has been tested with this price the sales will show if the product price is too high or too low. Placement The company will have Safety Step manufactured at the existing facility in Camp Hill Virginia. This manufacturer will complete an established amount of mats within the necessary time frame. Production costs are based on the different sizes, and components of the mats. The company may decide to focus on three sizes than they must have three separate prices and production costs for the mats. The company will focus on one mat that is 24 x 5; this particular mat has 120 volts and 263 watts. This mat is one color and one size to make the production costs less than they would be in the future. Promotion Promoting a product is not only about developing the correct product at the correct time, but also the communication involved with all parties. A company would not want to promote a product that was used for ice and snow in a climate that never receives snow or ice; the likely hood of the product selling is not very high. Promotion is the fourth â€Å"P† in the marketing mix designed to teach the end consumer about the product, what the product does and how the product can help the user. What benefits the consumer will receive from the product and will the price of the product fit into the budget. Promotion is also used to persuade a customer that the product is the correct one for him or her. The promotional mix is a combination of personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and websites. The first thing a company needs to ask its self is what strategy they believe will work best for the company, will they use the â€Å"PUSH† or the â€Å"PULL† method. Safety Step believes the â€Å"PULL† method would work best for the new heated mat. The PULL STRATEGY requires direct interface with the end user of the offering. Use of channels of distribution is minimized during the first stages of promotion and a major commitment to advertising is required. The objective is to â€Å"pull† the prospects into the various channel outlets creating a demand the channels cannot ignore (Center for Business Planning, 2010, para 12). The product cannot be promoted effectively in warmer areas causing the company to work with specific areas and to build a strong bond with customers to help ensure safety. Safety Step will focus on the benefits of product advertising. This is especially beneficial when you have introduced a new approach to solving a user need and comparison to the old approaches is inappropriate (Center for Business Planning, 2010). † Initial Sales Promotion Safety Step will focus sales of the heated floor mat through the company website www. safetysteps. com. Sales from the website are virtually free of charge to the company with only a small set up fee and the process of fulfilling the orders. Personal selling to households and businesses in major cold weather cities will be the main focus in the initial selling process. Safety Step wants to have a personal relationship with its customers; with one-on-one meetings and demonstrating the product in a home or business setting to allow the customer to feel comfortable to ask questions and see the product in person with no pressure. Safety Step believes that with this approach the product can sell its self and the customer will learn Safety Step is about not only safety but also the customer. Safety Step will advertise through direct mail via an 8 ? x 11 glossy sheet showing areas used without a mat and also used with a mat. Ames the parent company has a large database of addresses, phone numbers and e-mail address for both businesses and homeowners available to Safety Step. The flyer will also picture other options currently available for snow and ice removal including salt pellets, sand and rocks, Sodium chloride (NaCL), which may contain cyanide. Calcium chloride (CaCl) is slightly better because less goes farther, but it is still not ideal, considering its run-off still increases algae growth, which clogs waterways. Potassium chloride is another salt to avoid. Customers will learn the advantages of Safety Step and how it will not only help the customer but also landscape plants, especially those particularly salt-sensitive, like tulip poplars, maples, balsam firs, white pines, hemlock, Norway spruce, dogwood, redbud, rose bushes, and spirea bushes (The Daily Green, 2010). Landscaping can be an expensive cost to customers and the Safety Step can eliminate the need for chemicals that can cause damage and even death to landscape plants. Safety Step will have promotions for customers who wish to purchase more than one mat and with the purchase of the accessory all in one transaction. Contests also can be used to find the most creative ways a mat has been applied around a business or home. This will not only benefit the customer but also the business with a flow of new ideas and ways to better help the end user. Budget Safety Step has allotted a budget of 11. 7 million dollars for the first year of operations. Areas covered include personnel, marketing research, marketing communication, channels, customer acquisition, retention, and other. Safety Step has looked at each area and broken each section into sub-sections see appendix B attached. Safety Steps has allotted the largest portion to the personnel section. The personnel section has sub-sections of salaries/wages, benefits, payroll taxes, commissions, and bonuses. Salaries and wages tops out the chart at 7. 2 million in burden with taxes coming in second at two million. Safety Step believes the allotted amounts should cover the personnel section with a contingency included. Marketing and Research have a budget of 260 thousand dollars. This amount covers both the primary and secondary research for the Safety Step mat. Secondary research has been allotted approximately five thousand per month to cover quality problems should they exist. Safety Step and the Ames Company are known for their quality products and service and keeping a fund for problems is essential. Marketing Communications falls second in regard to cost of budget. A budget of 1. 1 million has been set. The areas with the larger amounts being spent are branding at 240 thousand, advertising at 435 thousand, and public relations at 140 thousand. Advertising the Safety Step in a positive and customer-focused atmosphere is critical for the continuance of the product. Channels have a budget of 96 thousand. Channels include communications and training, promotions and incentives, and commissions/bonuses. Commissions and bonuses are awarded in December of each year allowing a budget only in December. Training and communication is included to ensure the quality of the sales team at Safety Step. Incentives are also included each month to promote the sales team. The sales team, production, and office staff will need focus and drive and offering incentives will help with morale and positive workflow. Safety Step has a section for other to include postage, attorney fees, telephone, travel, computers, and office equipment. Postage will be a large expenditure with mass mailings to costumers to educate them in Safety Step. Travel is the largest expenditure in the other sections; because of the need for salespeople in strategic areas (cold weather cities) to promote Safety Step. Computers and equipment is the second largest expenditure for the other section, Safety step believes in year two this amount should drop dramatically. Computers and office equipment are needed to offer both the customer and employees piece of mind. The computers can offer piece of mind by fast reliable service for ordering, processing claims, and tracking inventory. Attorney fees are in the section to have an on hand attorney office for any needs that may arise. Monitoring and Evaluating Effectiveness A successful development process for Safety Step starts with Ames 5D Principles; in addition, will apply a perceptual map for identify opportunities by highlighting unsatisfied needs of the customer to gain an edge because Safety Step goal must differentiate. DISCOVERDEVISEDESIGNDEVELOPDEPLOY Good Data Organizations values and Philosophy Perceptual Map SWOT Analysis Message Strategy Brand name, label, and packaging Production staff functionality controls changes and defects Execute with confidence Production method and delivery of service Target Customers and customers feedback Measurable Data Developed copy writer and creative art ads Testing phase implementing mat to diverse weather conditionsPlan activities around promotions Purchase Behavior Marketing Strategies Competitor AnalysisPromote safety step phrase in visual and verbal expressionsResearch and testing staying ahead of the competition Evaluate preparations for the next four years plan Review and research Geographical ConsiderationsPlanning process through project managers Challenging target market , but avoiding costly errorsTracking movement of sales and awareness of recommendations Perceptual map gives a visual representation to the marketing team of customers’ perception of Safety Step aids in the positioning strategy. The insight gained from the perceptual map can be formulated through the four parameters’; therefore, implementing a guide of a before and after execution. Ames understands that increase of profit and sales drives the success in marketing execution, but a good marketing team also understands it is not the best indicators. During the course of an execute launch of a new product sales sometimes remain flat. Ames will identify all performance indictors with comprehensive reports so that through execution of the 5Ds principles, perceptual map, and knowing the parameters for development will be modified the next four years. The success of Safety Step growth stage in an oligopoly market can keep the competitions in uncertainly. Ethics and Social Responsibility The marketing efforts will be monitored to ensure that Safety Step will be promoted accurately to the consumer. The advertisement for Safety Step will only contain information that is true and accurate for the product. Packaging of the product will not have any misleading claims but rather describe the product accurately. Salespeople will also receive training to communicate accurately the product without pressuring customers while they are demonstrating the product during the door to door campaign. The company’s goal is to promote the product accurately by having knowledgeable salespeople that provides product information not pressure. Conclusion Developing a marketing plan with Perceptual Maps, SWOTT analysis, identifying environmental factors affect marking decisions. These business decisions move the product life cycle and identifies the appropriate price strategy along with public relations opportunities for Safety Step. Therefore, allowing Team C to answer all questions, without this structure information could not be obtained in an orderly prompt manner. ? References: (n. d. ). Ames true temper: past present and future. Retrieved from http://www. ames. com/aboutus. html (n. d. ). Ames Shovel Works. Retrieved March 14, 2010, from http://www. responsiblegrowthforeaston. com/shovel_shop/ShovelWorksHistory. pdf Center for Business Planning (2010). Marketing Plan. Retrieved March 21, 2010, from http://www. businessplans. org/Market. html Current Results (2010). Coldest Places in United States. Retrieved March 15, 2010, from http://www. currentresults. com/Weather-Extremes/US/coldest. php Kerin, Berkowitz, Hartley, and Rudelius Chapter 9, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2004 New York, NY Mathe, AR (2010). Market Segmentation Targeting Positioning. Retrieved March 15, 2010 from website http://www. scribd. com/doc/24765486/Market-Segmentation-Targeting-Positioning-by-amarnath. NCDC (2010). Snowfall – Average Total In Inches. Retrieved March 15, 2010, from Pearce, Jack and Richard Robin, ( 2004). Chapter 1, Overview of Strategic Management. Retrieved March 5, 2010 from University of Phoenix, rEsource, Bus475 course Website. The Daily Green (2010). 9 Eco-friendly Ways to De-Ice Your Driveway. Retrieved March 21,2010, from http://www. thedailygreen. com/living-green/blogs/green-products-services/driveway-ice-environment-55013001 U. S. Census Bureau, (2000). United states — states; and puerto rico . Retrieved from http://factfinder. census. gov/servlet/GCTTable? _bm=y&-geo_id=01000US&-ds_name=DEC_2000_SF1_U&-_lang=en&-redoLog=false&-format=US-9|US-9S&-mt_name=DEC_2000_SF1_U_GCTH5_US9&-CONTEXT=gct (n. d). Washington, Mount. Retrieved from Britannica Online database. ? Appendix A: 2000 US Census Bureau Total Housing Units Geographic areaTotal housing units United States115,904,641 Alaska260,978 Colorado1,808,037 Connecticut1,385,975 Delaware343,072 District of Columbia274,845 Idaho527,824 Illinois4,885,615 Indiana2,532,319 Iowa1,232,511 Maine651,901 Maryland2,145,283 Massachusetts2,621,989 Michigan4,234,279 Minnesota2,065,946 Montana412,633 Nebraska722,668 New Hampshire547,024 New Jersey3,310,275 New York7,679,307 North Carolina3,523,944 North Dakota289,677 Ohio4,783,051 Oregon1,452,709 Pennsylvania5,249,750 Rhode Island439,837 South Dakota323,208 Utah768,594 Vermont294,382 Washington2,451,075 Wisconsin2,321,144 Wyoming223,854 Total59,763,706 (U. S. Census Bureau, 2000) ? Appendix B: Budget (amounts in thousands) Marketing Budget Plan Safety Step JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotal Personnel Salaries, wages800 400 400 400 800 800 800 400 800 800 800 $ 7,200 Benefits 100 100 100 100 100 $ 500 Payroll taxes 500 350 400 150 200 200 200 $ 2,000 Commissions and bonuses 100 $ 100 Total$800$400$1,000$400$1,250$800$1,300$0$550$1,100$1,000$1,200 $ 9,800 Market Research Primary research 100 100 $ 200 Secondary research10 10 10 10 10 10 $ 60 Library management $ – Total$10$0$10$100$10$0$10$0$10$0$110$0 $ 260 Marketing Communications Branding60 60 60 60 $ 240 Advertising50 100 50 25 100 100 10 $ 435 Web sites2 2 2 2 2 10 10 10 2 10 10 10 $ 72 Direct marketing20 10 10 10 10 10 10 $ 80 Internet marketing10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 $ 80 Collateral $ – Press relations5 5 5 5 5 5 5 $ 35 Public relations20 20 20 20 20 20 20 $ 140 Analyst relations $ – Events5 5 5 5 5 5 5 $ 35 Total$172$2$12$2$62$160$110$85$62$160$160$130 $ 1,117 Channels Channel communications and training10 10 10 10 10 10 $ 60 Channel promotions and incentives2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 $ 16 Channel commissions/bonuses 20 $ 20 Total$12$12$12$10$10$12$2$2$0$0$2$22 $ 96 Customer Acquisition & Retention (CAR) Lead generation 10 10 10 10 10 $ 50 Customer loyalty2 5 5 2 5 4 3 $ 26 Total$2$0$0$10$10$5$5$12$0$15$4$13 $ 76 Other Postage8 10 10 10 10 $ 48 Attorney fees5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 $ 60 Telephone2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 $ 24 Travel12 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 8 18 18 18 $ 142 Computers and office equipment10 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 $ 100 Total$37$20$20$20$25$39$39$29$20$45$45$35 $ 374 Total Marketing Budget$1,033$434$1,054$542$1,367$1,016$1,466$128$642$1,320$1,321$1,400 $ 11,723