Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Health Promotion in Realtion to a Midwife Essay

In 1946 the World Health Organisation (WHO) defined health as â€Å"a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity†. This definition integrates the main concepts of health and identifies that health can be viewed differently by individuals and groups (Bowden, 2006). Health and well-being are the result of a combination of physical, social, intellectual and emotional factors (Dunkley, 2000a). The concept of health promotion has emerged with the increasing realisation in society that our health is one of our most valuable personal assets, as well as an asset for society (Crafter, 1997). The Health Promotion Agency (2008) describes health promotion as a process enabling people to exert control over the determinants of health and thereby improve their health. Similarly, the WHO identifies that health promotion involves equipping people to have more power, enabling them to make choices in regard to improving their well-being (WHO, 1984). Ewles and Simnett (2003) determine from this that the fundamental elements of health promotion are improving health, empowerment and education. Breastfeeding is the best form of nutrition for infants and so is an important topic in the context of health promotion (Dearling, 1999). Health promotion is not an extended role of the midwife but a core competency. In its Code of Professional Conduct (2008), the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) outlines the role of the midwife to include supporting people in caring for themselves to improve and maintain their health. Midwives must work with others to protect and promote the health and well-being of those in their care (NMC, 2008). Midwives meet and influence individual women and their families on a day-to-day basis, and can make real differences to how those people deal with health issues during their childbearing years and beyond (Crafter, 1997). Davis (2002) points out that every interaction with a woman is an opportunity to improve long-term health as midwives are trusted as authoritative figures in the delivery of health promotion. The Royal College of Midwives’ â€Å"Vision 2000† describes the midwife as a public health practitioner, and relevant models and approaches can enhance the way that midwives deliver care. A health promotion approach can be described as the vehicle used to achieve the desired aim (Dunkley-Bent, 2004). Ewles and Simnett (2003) suggest that health promotion is commonly characterised as having five different approaches: the medical approach; the behaviour change approach; the educational approach; the empowerment approach; and the societal change approach. A summary of these approaches can be found in Appendix One. A model of health promotion seeks to represent reality and demonstrates how these different approaches connect in practice (Dearling, 1999). This assignment applies Beatties (1991) model of health promotion to breastfeeding; analyses the challenges midwives may encounter when promoting breastfeeding and evaluates the effectiveness of the midwife in promoting breastfeeding. Beattie’s (1991) model is appropriate as it provides a structured framework to guide, map and contextualise health promotion intervention related to breastfeeding (Seedhouse, 2003). Beattie’s (1991) model has two dimensions; â€Å"mode of intervention† and â€Å"focus of intervention†. The â€Å"mode of intervention† ranges from authoritative which is top-down and expert-led; to negotiated, which is bottom-up and values individuals autonomy. The â€Å"focus of intervention† ranges from a focus on the individual to a focus on the collective. The model uses these dimensions to generate four strategies for health promotion – health persuasion technique, legislative action, personal counselling and community development (Tonnes and Tilford, 2001). The health persuasion technique utilises the medical and educational approaches to inform women of the research-based health benefits of breastfeeding. This intervention is top-down, directed at individual women and led by midwives as health experts (Perkins et al, 1999). It relies on persuasive tactics to ensure compliance. Being medical-based, it aims to reduce morbidity and reduce premature mortality and is conceptualised around the absence of disease. As midwives do not regard pregnancy and child-birth as states of ill-health, its validity in midwifery care must be questioned (Dunkley, 2000a). The benefits of breastfeeding are well-documented (Appendix Two), however difficulties arise in making this information relevant and personal to each woman. Often, simply giving women ‘information’ makes little difference to them (Dunkley, 2000b). Positive messages about breastfeeding should be evident in the midwife’s practice room (Ewles and Simnett, 2003). Literature and posters that promote breastfeeding can be prominently displayed. All magazines and literature in the waiting room can be examined to ensure that there are no unwanted advertisements or promotions of formula. Health persuasion is based on an assumption that women make rational, conscious decisions about how to feed in response to factual health-related information (Crafter, 2002). Personal attitudes will affect the woman’s decision more than anything; and changing beliefs, values and attitudes is difficult and requires more time, resources and dedication than most midwives have due to over-load of work (Crafter, 1997). Naidoo and Wills (2000) identify four stages in the behaviour-change process, and these can apply to choosing to breastfeed. First, the woman must understand the benefits, accept the relevance of this information to her situation, weigh up the benefits and disadvantages for herself, and finally make her decision on how to feed. Women are advised that if they breastfeed their health and that of their baby will benefit (Piper, 2005). If a woman chooses not to breastfeed, she may experience guilt feelings and start to avoid the midwife, or not share future issues of concern because she is reluctant to receive advice which is inconsistent with her own beliefs and ideas (Battersby, 2000). Non-judgmental support of breastfeeding rather than loaded advice-giving may be more appropriate as it is unethical for the midwife to coerce and persuade women into breastfeeding (Cribb and Duncan, 2002). It is not the role of the midwife to persuade, but to inform (Davis, 2002). The health persuasion technique may be useful in the short-term to raise awareness, but it is unlikely to be effective in itself as it is not enough to simply tell women why breast is best and expect them to choose to breastfeed (Entwistle et al, 2007). There is no opportunity for women to ask questions, follow long conversations or direct the dialogue to areas where they need knowledge (Dunkley, 2000a). Language barriers may also arise, midwives and women may not share the same first language, or women may not understand the medical terms related to the health benefits of breastfeeding (Bright, 1997). Health persuasion can increase the feeling of powerlessness in women; the total opposite of empowerment, which is the core principle of midwifery practice (Royal College of Midwives, 2000). Legislative action attempts to promote breastfeeding at a national level, therefore incorporating the societal-change approach. This is a benevolent, top-down intervention led by professionals in the role of â€Å"custodians† in knowing what will improve the nations’ health (Dunkley, 2000). Legislative action involves making environmental, social and economic changes by policy planning, political action and widespread collaboration with decision makers (Ewles and Simnett, 2003). The Breastfeeding Strategy Group for Northern Ireland was established by the Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) in 1997 as a result of legislative action to try and improve breastfeeding rates in Northern Ireland. The Innocenti declaration (WHO/UNICEF, 1990) and the WHO/UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative provide a national framework for best practice to support breastfeeding in maternity units and other healthcare facilities nationwide. Although not based on the actions of individual midwives, midwives can utilise this aspect of health promotion by lobbying power holders through their professional organisations and specialist forums, such as the Royal College of Midwives (RCM), the National Childbirth Trust (NCT) and the Association for Improvements in Maternity Services (AIMS) (Crafter, 2002). These organisations can align themselves together to address issues such as facilities for breastfeeding in public places, marketing of breastfeeding substitutes and improving maternity leave. Legislative action is an effective long-term way of promoting breastfeeding by making breastfeeding socially acceptable and the natural choice for women, thereby positively influencing the concept of breastfeeding within society (Bowden and Manning, 2006). Midwives can help develop strategies for intervention, act as advocates, promote the health of women indirectly and achieve collective improved breastfeeding rates at a level removed from individual interaction (Bowden and Manning, 2006). However, as Acts of Parliament use utilitarian principles they are unlikely to meet equally the needs of everyone (Cribb and Duncan, 2002). Midwives are also faced with a challenge in that the Government is setting targets to be met, which in a way dictates the information to be provided to women (Seedhouse, 2003). Legislative action takes time to achieve its aims, and can be an expensive form of health promotion (Bright, 1997). Community development uses the empowerment approach to enhance breastfeeding support among local communities and bring about local changes relating to breastfeeding facilities. Examples of community development include breastfeeding support groups and Sure Start Initiatives. Peer support in breastfeeding support groups has been found to be more effective in health promotion than the influence of health professionals (Barrowclough, 1997). Midwives can inform women of local groups and initiatives available to them (Barrowclough, 1997). Many women have to sit on public toilet seats or in inappropriate rooms to breastfeed their baby as restaurant proprieters and clientele are often intolerant of breastfeeding. Support groups offer women a comfortable, welcoming place to breastfeed their babies and can campaign locally to change negative attitudes towards breastfeeding (Barrowclough, 1997). Empowering community groups generates norms and social support which will reinforce breastfeeding. The nature of community development encourages autonomy, responsibility and interdependence rather than dependence on a more prescriptive form of care (Piper, 2005). Community development meets women’s needs for emotional and practical care that midwives may be unable to provide due to lack of time, and increases information and support available to breastfeeding mothers (Dunkley-Bent, 2004). Community development can also empower women to determine wider health needs and challenge medical and midwifery services through service user focus groups and participating in patient panels (Dunkley-Bent, 2004). Limitations to community development include lack of government funding for local initiatives, which can be improved through campaigning to raise awareness. Support groups are commonly only accessible to a select group of women, and it is up to midwives to ensure they work to deliver information that reaches all women in their care (Dunkley, 2000a). Midwives are ideally situated to help develop community support networks alongside women and their families (Piper, 2005). Personal counselling involves the empowerment and educationalist approaches. It is a process of active listening and reflection to empower women, based on their current knowledge and behaviour, to become more capable of making genuine informed choices (Dunkley, 2000b) The midwife’s role within this process is purely as a facilitator and enabler rather than an expert, offering guidance and support (Dunkley, 2000b). Being listened to makes individuals feel as though they have some control in planning their lives (Crafter, 2000). Rather than telling women what to do, midwives work with them to identify their needs and empower them to have the skills and confidence to breastfeed (Bright, 1997). Specialised lactation midwives can offer personal counselling if they are available, but in general midwives may have insufficient time to utilise opportunities for personal counselling in the postnatal ward or when women have been discharged back out into the community (RCM, 2002). Discussing the details of skin-to-skin contact and the importance of the first feed antenatally can encourage women to try breastfeeding (RCM, 2002). Many midwives draw on their own experience to support breastfeeding, and while this can sometimes assist good practice, it can cause difficulties as where women report neutral or negative breastfeeding messages, breastfeeding initiation can be affected (Entwistle et al, 2007). If a woman has been given the message that she is worth listening to, and is trusted to make the right decision, she will feel more confident and empowered to breastfeed (RCM, 2000). Time spent helping to establish correct attachment and positioning of the baby at the breast will in the long-term minimise continued dependence on midwifery care (Dunkley-Bent, 2004). An empowered woman would be able to participate more fully in community development, and could help promote breastfeeding by sharing her own positive experience with peers and relatives (Entwistle et al, 2007). The success of this approach is determined by a number of factors including good communication (Crafter, 2002), which can only be achieved with adequate time (Dunkley, 2000b) and the midwife’s personal attitude towards breastfeeding (Entwistle et al, 2007). Antenatal support, good hospital management and subsequent postnatal community visits are all-important components of breast-feeding promotion. Antenatal education and encouragement increases breast-feeding rates and identifies potential problem areas (Barrowclough, 1997). Hospital practices should focus on skin-to-skin contact, rooming-in, early and frequent breast-feeding, skilled support and avoidance of artificial nipples, pacifiers and formula (UNICEF, 2000). Postnatal visits should not be rushed and should include information on support groups available locally. Witnessed breast-feeding is an important part of follow-up because many breastfeeding problems are caused by improper latch-on or positioning that can be detected and corrected (RCM, 2002). Health promotion is an integral part of the midwife’s practice (NMC, 2008). The advantage of using Beattie’s (1991) model in promoting breastfeeding is that it allows midwives to question what actions are really useful in reaching and impacting on women. Beattie’s model helps midwives to review their own actions and critically analyse current methods of promoting breastfeeding (Dunkley-Bent, 2004). Breastfeeding promotion activities must cross each of the four strategies identified within the model if they are to be effective (Piper 2005). Crafter (1997) identifies challenges to implementing these strategies effectively within midwifery practice including time constraints, personal attitudes, inconsistent advice and lack of resources. Midwives must be equipped with the knowledge and skills to participate confidently in the management and promotion of breastfeeding, and thus empower women to breastfeed their babies successfully (Bowden, 2006). An awareness of the wider cultural influences and attitudes to breastfeeding can help midwives to implement effective health promotion strategies (Dunkley, 2000b).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Breast cancer and possible solution of Mammograms

Breast malignant neoplastic disease occurs when chest cells grow abnormally and uncontrollably. It is the most common malignant neoplastic disease in the UK. This is indicated in the pie chart below where chest malignant neoplastic disease histories for the highest per centum happening among adult females, that is approximately 26 % . An estimated 46 000 adult females are diagnosed every twelvemonth. [ 1 ] The two chief hazard factors for chest malignant neoplastic disease are gender – being a adult female and age – turning older. [ 2 ] In fact 8 out of 10 of the diagnosed patients are adult females above 50 old ages old. [ 1 ] 90 % of chest malignant neoplastic disease is caused by environmental factors while the staying 10 % is due to familial defect. [ 2 ] Breast malignant neoplastic disease can be treated if it is detected at an early phase, doing the patients ‘ opportunities of endurance greater. Among the symptoms of chest malignant neoplastic disease are th e presence of a ball or thickener in the chest tissue. Figure 1: Cancer occurance among adult females.A Possible Solution – MammogramIn my sentiment all adult females particularly those above the age of 50 and those with a strong household history of chest malignant neoplastic disease should travel for regular mammographic showing. A mammogram is really of import for chest malignant neoplastic disease showing and early sensing. It is an X-ray exposure of the chests where consequences are studied to observe any abnormalcies or locations of leery tissue. Harmonizing to the National Health Service ( NHS ) UK, 1 400 lives are saved because of testing. [ 4 ] There are a few differences between testing mammograms and other mammograms. Screening mammography is carried out when there is no ball or seeable marks of malignant neoplastic disease. However, if a specific ball demands to be looked at, so a diagnostic mammography is done. Here my research is based on testing mammography. [ 25 ] There is a important difference in sentiment sing how frequently adult females should travel for mammograms. The American Cancer Society ( ACS ) suggests that all adult females over 40 should travel for mammograms one time every twelvemonth while the National Cancer Institute ( NCI ) of the US advises adult females to travel every 1-2 old ages. [ 5 ] I agree with NCI as their suggestion would intend that adult females are non exposed to radiation excessively frequently. Increased exposure to radiation increases the hazard of acquiring malignant neoplastic disease. Figure 2: Woman undergoing mammogram. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) ( 396 words ) A mammogram is conducted on an outpatient footing and stopping points for about 30 proceedingss. [ 6 ] During the process, a qualified radiotherapist intially places merely one chest on a little level home base that has an X-ray home base under it. Above the chest there is another level home base. The machine presses the chest down between the home bases keeping the chest in place and bettering the acuteness of the image. When the chest is compressed, there is a small uncomfortableness. [ 7 ] Small explosions of radiation, something like wireless moving ridges is produced by the tubings in the machine and is passed through the chests. The image formed is recorded on photographic movie or a particular digital image entering home base. The chest is less heavy in comparing to the tumour. Therefore the chest appears in grey sunglassess on the mammography while the tumour is white and the air is black as it is the least dense. Figure 3: Breast malignant neoplastic disease tumour shown( hypertext transfer protocol: // )( 556 words ) A radiotherapist will analyze the images and look out for any marks of malignant neoplastic disease. A signed study is sent to the physician who will explicate the consequences to the adult female. When a adult female goes for this process, she is told non to have on any deodourant, pulverization or lotion in her axillas or her chest as these would look as calcium musca volitanss on the mammogram. [ 6 ] Sometimes alternatively of tumours physicians may happen cysts, calcifications and fibroadenomas on the mammograms. Calcifications are non breast malignant neoplastic disease but can be an indicant of precancer. They are little measures of Ca that appear in the soft tissue of the chest. Fibroadenomas are benign tumours made of hempen and glandular chest tissue that are removed as a precautional measure. Cysts are benign unstable – filled pouch that are non related to malignant neoplastic disease. [ 8 ] ( 693 words )EffectivenessFigure 4: Breast malignant neoplastic disease rates by phase Figure 5: Breast malignant neoplastic disease mortality rates( hypertext transfer protocol: // )From the first graph, it is observed that the rate of early diagnosing of chest malignant neoplastic disease had significantly improved because of the addition in the figure of adult females who underwent mammography. Consequently, the rate of late diagnosing of chest malignant neoplastic disease decreased. The 2nd graph shows that when chest malignant neoplastic disease is detected early, there is a diminution in the mortality rate. [ 9 ] I strongly believe that naming chest malignant neoplastic disease early through mammography helps better adult females ‘s opportunities of endurance. ( 836 words ) A newspaper article by Reuters in Washington, US dated October 6th 2009 stated that a survey conducted by US research workers found that 75 % of adult females who died of chest malignant neoplastic disease ne'er had a mammogram, or were diagnosed after their first of all time mammogram. [ 22 ] Dr Blake Cady of Cambridge Hospital Breast Cancer and Harvard Medical School in Massachusetts said: â€Å" Womans who are in testing programmes have merely a 4.7 % mortality. Womans who are non screened have a 56 % mortality. †( hypertext transfer protocol: // )To further turn out mammogram effectivity, below is a drumhead from a existent life chest malignant neoplastic disease subsister. [ 10 ] Pam ‘s narrative ‘Diagnosed at 46 with chest malignant neoplastic disease, after holding skipped her mammogram for a twosome of old ages, Pam ‘s intervention involved mastectomy, radiation and chemotherapy. She wants adult females to acquire an one-year mammogram, get downing at age 40, to catch malignant neoplastic disease early and avoid extended intervention like hers. ‘( hypertext transfer protocol: // pl=stories & A ; item=1 # narratives )( 969 words )DeductionsWhile carry oning this research, I encountered one societal issue that is, non all adult females realize the importance of acquiring a mammogram. This degree of consciousness varied due to different degrees of instruction among the adult females. The graph below supports my statement. Percentage of US adult females aged 40 and older who Have Had a Mammogram in the last 2 old ages by Education Level Figure 6( hypertext transfer protocol: // )Based on the graph adult females with more than a college instruction are most likely to hold had a mammogram in the last 2 old ages compared to adult females with lower degrees of instruction. [ 11 ] I think these adult females are cognizant of this of import showing tool. I besides feel at that place should be more public wellness instruction because a deficiency of information can take to misinformation. For illustration, Indian adult females with chest malignant neoplastic disease have to utilize separate utensils because of the mistaken believe that the disease is contagious. [ 24 ] ( 1133 words ) I would besides wish to turn to an economical issue refering the usage of mammograms. The American Cancer Society suggests that adult females above 40 should acquire a mammogram every twelvemonth but many adult females are forced to jump their mammograms because they merely can non afford it. Research workers at Brown University in 2002, discovered mammograms bing US $ 400 is a challenge for many adult females. [ 20 ] Despite this, conditions in the US are still non every bit bad as in some underdeveloped states as seen in quotation mark below. â€Å" The United States spends about US $ 8.1 billion to name and handle chest malignant neoplastic disease, but in the metropolis of Poona, India, place to 3.5 million adult females, merely one medical installation provides comprehensive chest malignant neoplastic disease diagnostic and intervention services. †( Masilamany J. , February 5th 2009, page 12 )Besides, adult females populating in destitute states like Kenya feel incapacitated and merely wait to decease because they can non afford to travel abroad for intervention. It is expected that by 2020, 70 % of all chest malignant neoplastic disease instances will be in hapless states. [ 24 ] This is why I think authoritiess should seek to happen a manner to guarantee all adult females get their mammograms done. ( 1325 words )Benefits and Risks of MammographyA picture by ‘NHS picks ‘ entitled â€Å" Having A Mammogram † highlights the advantages of holding a mammography as it can observe abnormalcies which are 3-4 millimetres in size. These abnormalcies are impossible to experience if a individual were to analyze her ain chests. [ 21 ] Sometimes a mammogram is more accurate than other diagnostic processs. A specific form of Ca sedimentations known to do chest malignant neoplastic disease can merely be seen clearly on a mammogram. [ 25 ] Having a mammography would non go forth any radiation in a patient ‘s organic structure. X raies usually have no side effects in the diagnostic scope. A tumour detected early is more likely to be cured. [ 6 ] Mammograms have certain defects nevertheless. Sometimes false-negatives can happen. This is when chest malignant neoplastic disease is present even though the mammograms appear normal. It happens largely in immature adult females because they have denser chests compared to older adult females whose chests are more fatty devising tumours easy seeable on mammograms. At the same clip, false-positives besides occur because radiotherapists erroneously decide the mammograms are unnatural when really there is no malignant neoplastic disease nowadays. This causes unneeded anxiousness and emphasis for the adult female. To avoid false-positives, an ultrasound and a biopsy is conducted. The doses of X ray in mammograms is really little but when it is done repeatedly it is harmful and can increase the hazard of acquiring malignant neoplastic disease. [ 13 ] ( 1546 words )Alternate SolutionsNew ‘Breast Pap Smear ‘An article titled New ‘Breast Pap Smear ‘ was written by Duke Medicine News and Communications. This trial is presently undergoing three clinical tests countrywide in the US. It works by utilizing a really narrow acerate leaf to take cells from subdivisions of the whole chest. [ 15 ] The quotation mark below farther explains the trial. Dr Victoria Seewaldt, a scientist and chest oncologist at the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center said: â€Å" Merely as we do with a cervical pablum vilification, we can now study cells from the whole chest, analyze them under the microscope and trial for early alterations that frequently precede breast malignant neoplastic disease. Then we can give adult females a preventative agent to see if we can eliminate her unnatural cells and therefore prevent malignant neoplastic disease from developing. †( hypertext transfer protocol: // )A specific cistron known as RAR beta controls how breast cells use vitamin A to guarantee their good wellness. Research done has shown that the cistrons in chest malignant neoplastic disease patients lose its ability to map. This ‘pap vilification ‘ trial can observe the presence or absence of this cistron. Without it, the possibility of developing malignant neoplastic disease is higher. Hence RAR beta Acts of the Apostless as a molecular marker to find the oncoming of malignant neoplastic diseas e. [ 15 ] I strongly believe that the new chest ‘pap vilification ‘ is an first-class discovery in the battle against chest malignant neoplastic disease. Once the clinical tests are deemed successful, this should be carried out on all adult females. ( 1785 words )Ultrasound ImagingUltrasound Imaging, besides known as Ultrasound Scanning provides images of the internal constructions of the chests. During an ultrasound, a doctor may utilize Doppler Techniques to measure the blood flow or deficiency of blood flow in a chest mass. At times it is possible to find the cause of the mass. Doppler ultrasound is a technique used to measure blood flow through a blood vas. Breast ultrasound maps to assist name breast abnormalcies detected during a physical scrutiny and to qualify possible abnormalcies seen on a mammogram. A chest lesion detected and classified sometimes can non be interpreted adequately through mammography entirely. An ultrasound can besides distinguish if an abnormalcy is solid or fluid-filled ( benign cyst ) or both solid and cystic. A solid may be a benign or malignant tumour. Ultrasounds show extra characteristics of the unusual countries on the chest. [ 14 ] Figure 4: A patient undergoing a chest ultrasound.( hypertext transfer protocol: // image=LbreastMR-vnr-009.jpg & A ; pg=breastus & A ; pid=1, )( 1936 words )Beginning EvaluationIn my sentiment, the ‘National Health Service Choices UK ‘ web site ( ) is really comprehensive and factual. This beginning aims to give nonsubjective information and counsel to the populace on chest malignant neoplastic disease. It is approved by a clinical expert and is funded by the Department of Health. It has been certified as a dependable wellness and societal attention information beginning by The Information Standard and has to run into certain editorial policies. So I think this is a reputable beginning. I retrieved information on the importance of holding a mammogram for early diagnosing of chest malignant neoplastic disease as stated on page 9. The undermentioned two web sites ; hypertext transf er protocol: // pl=stories & A ; item=1 # narratives and hypertext transfer protocol: // pg=mammo # part_one besides provided the same information. An article from the Time magazine entitled The Changing Face Of Breast Cancer, volume 170 published in October 2007 is another dependable beginning. I believe this article was good researched because it has included positions from adult females across the universe. This article gives facts and figures supported by other beginnings. For illustration, the quotation mark on page 8 by Masilamany J, from the Sun newspaper can be found in this article. Besides, the information that chest malignant neoplastic disease is the most common disease among adult females is besides found in: hypertext transfer protocol: // Most_common_cancers_-_female, _by_occurence.png ) . ( 2143 words )

Monday, July 29, 2019

Auditing case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Auditing case study - Essay Example ’s best performing market with a 4% rise in sales even though its export sales recorded a 1% contraction when compared to the previous financial year. Overall group data reported that sales into the U.S.A market rose by 24% whilst the European market indicated a 12% decline. The company’s overall profitability was assisted by the strengthening of the US dollar when compared with the sterling pound during this period. 2. The company’s profit before tax stood at  £2,052,000 in 2012/13 when compared with 2011/12 whereby it stood at  £843,000 before the IAS 19 pension adjustment. The main expenditure stood at  £555,000. The other expenses were  £228,000 which was mostly related to executive transition costs. Looking at their major products, Technical Fiber Products had an operating profit standing at  £1,450,000 compared to 2011/12 when it stood at  £629,000. Their turnover figures grew by about 6% on the preceding year’s turnover figure of  £12,599,000. Sales in the Defense and Aerospace sectors represented an 18% and 20% of the overall sales respectively. The sales of TFP into the U.S.A increased by 16% and 17% in US dollar and Sterling terms respectively. The U.S.A represented the TFPs most important market with which accounted for about 55% of its turnover while it stood at 50% over the preceding year. It was however not so rosy in when looking at the same sales out o f the U.S.A which shrunk by about 6%. The company took several steps aimed at consolidating the US operations. It closed the Cincinnati facility in mid-2012 while it will take until the third quarter of 2013 for the new facility at Schenectady to achieve to several consumer programs. The Schenectady facility needed an investment about US$3million initially. In conclusion, there is heightened audit risk in revenue area. 1. According to the annual report, the company is undergoing major re alignments in its principle market in the U.S .The closures of the Cincinnati plant and future closure of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Modernism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Modernism - Essay Example The researcher states that modernism was a rebellion against realism. It is argued that modernism is the rejection of tradition and its inequities. In another dimension, modernism encompasses of actions of those that felt that the traditional forms of art, literature, social organization and real life were becoming obsolete and that they were not going in line with new social economic and political situations of an emerging industrialized world. The assertion by Henry James that ‘the whole of anything is never told’ could be both true and false. The novel is about dreams that do not come true. This can be argued to be intercession on wishes, hopes, success and failure on what life would do to a strong and imaginative woman of the nineteenth century who supposedly has almost everything and almost every person to presume that all her wishes and hopes would be realized. In other words, the whole story is about hopes and disappointments in life. In fact, the novel is an outl ine of the big cosmopolitan world of European culture and history which is composed of big ambitions, riches, class and above all, what such a life would do to people of such a culture. One thing that interested James is the idea of imagination as an instrument of thought. According to James, it is through the working of his characters’ imagination or lack of it that he was able to define their destinies. However, the meaning of imagination according to James is a very large subject which is evident by the way the word has been used and scattered all over his work. However, according to James, the definition of imagination could be narrowed to mean among other things, what turns observed experience into understanding (James and Luckhurst 2009). Given that James is a realist, imagination should be a product of other primary factors such as real knowledge and real experience which in the case of the novel, lacks from the woman character. Nonetheless, the imagination according t o James is much more applicable in real life and should be intense and active normally accompanied by knowledge (Matthiessen and Kenneth, Murdock 1947). The woman character in the story is seen to lack knowledge and instead mistakes beauty for truth. Due to lack of knowledge, she fails to see the real picture of the man she falls in love with (James and Luckhurst 2009). Amazingly, the man she falls in love displays his disregard for money, something she takes as evidence that the man has no greed for money while in the real sense, the man’s disregard for money is actually nothing but greed. In fact, according to the woman character in the story, human wishes without knowledge acts as a barrier towards getting the real picture of the situation (James and Luckhurst 2009). The wishes act as a shadow as they make individuals create a picture of wishes towards other individuals and situations as a quench of justifying their wishes to be true. It is very real that even when wishes covers the truth in real life situations, especially when people ironically present the art of living in a different perspective, people are unable to discover the masking of such individuals even when something warns them. In the case of the woman in the story, the man she falls in love with presents himself with ironic elegant about the art of living though he has such a look of plentitude and fulfillment, something the woman is enchanted about though in her enchantment, something warns her but she goes unheeded (James and Luckhu

Saturday, July 27, 2019

System design requirements document Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

System design requirements document - Essay Example These checks up results are the one used by the doctor as part of making decision on the patient sickness. All these information provided by the different clinical providers is input into the system. 2. Senior leadership- They are involved in providing cash to purchase a new system in the clinic. They are also involved in making decisions whether to change the workflow of the system. These activities make them to be consulted anytime a change is to be made to the system. 3. Medical records staff- This is the person charged with the responsibility of registering patients into the clinic. The staff has also a role of maintaining the medical records. The medical records may include drug supply and releases which is an important aspect to the clinic. Maintaining the drug supply will ensure the doctors do not prescribe a non existing drug. The medical records staff can carry these activities by feeding the data in the system to help in calculations. 4. Administrators/ clinical managers- T hese group have a role of seeing the smooth running of the clinic every day. They also ensure quality improvement in delivery of services leading to the need of including them in requirement collection. 2. Workflow This the procedure followed in a clinic before a patient receives treatment. The workflow starts when a patient visits the clinic to the time they leave. 1. Patient walks into the clinic 2. a. If new patient collection of registration details which includes name, contact information and medical history. b. If an old patient retrieval of the medical record is done by the clerk. 3. Patient moves to the waiting room. 4. The clerk forwards the patient’s medical file to the doctor on duty. 5. Patient proceeds to the check up room 6. Check up on blood pressure, temperature and weight is carried on the patient. 7. The patient proceeds to the doctor’s office with the written form on check up results. 8. The doctor enquires on the reason of the visit. This will estab lish the sickness of the patient. 9. Doctor prescribes medication and billing to the patient. 10. The patient proceeds to the cashier’s desk and pays for the medication. 11. Collection of medication takes place at the pharmacies desk and advice on the way to take it. 12. The patient checks out of the clinic. 3. Improvements to the workflow The main factor affecting the clinical workflow was overbooking by patients. The system should eliminate this by ensuring that the numbers of patients who visit the clinic per day do not exceed the needed number. This can be done by establishing a procedure where patients books appointments long before seeing the doctor. This ensures patients scheduled for a day do not exceed the maximum number a doctor can handle. Another improvement required is to eliminate the delay by patients at the registration desk. The study showed patients spent a lot of time giving information at the reception desk. The main solution would be to reduce the amount of data collected on a specific patient. The contact information would just include the phone number leaving the rest of the things like physical address, zip code and city. This would reduce the amount of time taken to attend to each patient. Improvement on information passing from the different offices was also required. Automation is supposed to allow once a clerk logs a patient visit the doctor can access the patient’s files online. The manual tracing of files can also be eliminated

Friday, July 26, 2019

Biography of Joaquin Murieta Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Biography of Joaquin Murieta - Essay Example Not much is mentioned about his upbringing. His history shifts to his marriage to Rosa Feliz of Vayoreca. Together with his wife and her three brothers they moved to California for the gold rush. He and his wife settled in Niles Canyon where he toiled as a vaquero and a mustang catcher. After this point the legend of Joaquin Murrieta begins controversy. The first legend depicts Joaquin Murrieta as a bandit while the other one makes him a hero (Ridge, John, 17). In the first legend, Joaquin Murrieta joins his brother-in -laws bandit (Burns, Noble, 11). The bandit kills and steals from white people. After the death of his brother-in-law, Joaquin takes over the bandit’s leadership. He continues to lead the men to crime, and specializes on killing and stealing from the Chinese people. Joaquin and his bandit do not have reservations on killing fellow Hispanics and countrymen. The state of California puts a bounty of 5000 dollars on his head due to the endless menace. After the shooting of General Joshua Bean, Joaquin and Reyes (also his brother-in-law) are implicated. Joaquin fled leaving Reyes to be punished by hanging due to the murder of bean. Overwhelming evidence pointed to Joaquin as the killer (Burns, Noble, 13). Hence a team commandeered by Harry Love was created to hunt him down. Harry Love captured and killed Joaquin. He cut off his head and preserved it in a bottle of alcohol. He later went round the mines to confirm his identity and assure the people that Joaquin would not harm them again. The term bandit is a widely applied in this version of the legend. Joaquin is referred to as a racist, outlaw, murderer, robber and gang leader. Law enforcement and afflicted individuals mainly applied this term. The appropriateness of the term varies depending on the validity of the information. It is hard too tell if the cruelty of Joaquin is exaggerated or not. However, in the context of law enforcers and victims of Joaquin, it is hard to find

Case Study and 2 General Qustion of scope management Essay

Case Study and 2 General Qustion of scope management - Essay Example Stakeholders are those individual or group that affects the business in one way or another. These include, customers, prospective customers, suppliers, Government, community among others. In our Rolls-Royce case, the stakeholders include, Airbus, Boeing, Turkey’s national airline, Government among others. You need to develop an understanding of the needs of the stakeholders. You need to understand their view about you project and how you can best attract their participation to the project. Understanding how you can communicate with them is also very important. Objective can be defined as the goals that the organization aims at achieving in the course of their business and activities. This can be reflected through mission statements, performance metrics and in situations whereby the organization keeps on reminding the employees on how crucial their work is in the organization. Strategies on the other hand are a planned action that focuses on enabling the organization to achieve its objectives. After a strategy is established, it has to be communicated to the entire organization through the top management, in order to justify it and commit the whole organization to it. An organization can have an objective of increasing the number of customers in a given period of time. For example an organization dealing with online newsletters may have an objective of increasing the number people subscribing for e-newsletter each month by 20%. Project management is an important management tool in a broad aspect of economic activities. Project management can be viewed as an art or a science (Schmidt 144). As an art, project management is concerned with managing and relating to people with an aid of project manager who uses experience and skills in technical situation of each project. As a science, the success of the project depends on proven and repeated processes and technique. Project management is an important tool in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Management Information System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Management Information System - Essay Example The server-side hardware includes computers such as the server PCs for the actual engagement in the information system application. There should be the server PCs that functions in running of the servers such as the web and the database server (Laudon & Laudon, 2000). The last category of PCs is the ordinary office computer that is used in the regulation of the application development situation (Gupta, 2011). The network operating system is necessary for the management of software, hardware as well as the network users (Jawadekar, 2013). The most preferable operating system in a PC networking region is Windows NT operating system. The installation of NT server must be in the server-type PCs whilst the NT client, or the Windows 97/98 must be installed in the alternate computers (Gupta, 2011). In this context, the latter PC is ordinarily a member faculty’s PC that is to be used in the management of the database and web servers (Gupta, 2011). The web server is one of the most cri tical software on which the success of MIS depend on. The server determines the presence of the information system to the user. The program should be installed in the computer that runs the NT server (Jawadekar, 2013). For instance, the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) is the most suitable software as it incorporates other packages such as the NT (Gupta, 2011). The client side requires regular office computers and the network infrastructure. The computers are used in the running of software and retrieval of the authorized information from the database and the webpages. The network infrastructure includes routers, switches as well as the antennas used in the provision of network to the computers (Jawadekar, 2013).

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Munk Debate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Munk Debate - Essay Example The only city that has such population in Europe is London. There are only eleven European Union countries with a population of below six million. The country is forty times the geographical size of Canada fox. If the country were to be divided like Europe, it would have about ninety nation states. China’s population has many advantages that will contribute to its economic and political power in the 21st century. The country has approximately 1.2 billion people with the size being proportional to its economy. The country’s large population contributed to its poor economy in the past decades because the largest percentage consisted of young individuals who were dependants. However, a large percentage of the population currently consists of the mature working population. This has contributed to the present economic explosion. The current population structure has resulted into the high human capital in China (Munk debates). The 21st century will belong to China because its economy is increasing at an advanced tempo compared to other countries globally. For instance, in the past thirty years, its economy has risen by a factual value of about 10. The current report of the IMF shows that China will be largest financial system in the coming years. Its economy has already surpassed the US because it is the largest manufacturer especially in the car market. Global financial reports also show that the demand for its cars will increase by tenfold in future. By 2035, the country will be using a fifth of the global energy. The global market analysts assert that only a country with the largest industrial production can lead the world. China is currently the largest industrial producer based on its large population. It goods are on demand because it supplies its products to the developing countries at cheap prices. The countries also supply skilled and cheap labor that is also on high demand in many foreign countries. This has enabled china to compete more effec tively in the market compared to its rivals. The developed countries focus on selling their goods and attracting investors from other developing countries. China targets the developing world like the African countries leading to the expansion of its market especially the automobile (Munk debates). In the past, China relied on investors, but it is currently one of the major investors today because of its 3 trillion dollars global reserves and other assets worth 200 billion dollars. China’s economy is also expanding because of innovations and high quality education. For instance, the students at Shanghai topped in Mathematics with a score of 600, while the students in the US became 25th with a score of 487 when education achievements of students of the age of 15 were ranked last year (Munk debates). Furthermore, there are high chances that China will rule because the economy of the West is declining at a high rate because of economic crisis that resulted from excessive gambling . Additionally, the US will be spending more on debts than on defense. The West is also losing its political powers because of political crises that are exemplified by the game of Russian roulette over the US federal. The business taxes in China are very low, and this has attracted many investors. The US is among the countries with the most raised business tax rates. Additionally, th

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A Report on the High Cost of College Education in America Essay

A Report on the High Cost of College Education in America - Essay Example 9 October, 10, 2011. Dr. Morgan Bill Joint University students’ union Washington, CO 456007 Dear Mr. Houston: The union is submitting this report, due October, 10, 2011, that was requested by the education ministry. The report is entitled the High cost of College Education in America. The purpose of the report is to inform the stake holders in the education sector on the high cost of college tuition in America which has become a source of discouragement for students who would like to have a high level of Education. It further emphasizes on the need work on the lowering of the cost of college tuition. The content of this report centers on the price of college education which is not equivalent to future salaries and is not worth all loans and credits acquired to fund education. Any questions concerning this report can be sought by contacting Mr. Morgan Bill, the union secretary, at 453-6897. Very truly yours, Morgan Bill, Secretary General. Executive summary The cost of college education in America has over years increasingly gone too high. High tuition fee charges in colleges is now proving to be the biggest problem facing college students, parents and sponsors. In this hard economic time, students and parents are now struggling a lot sourcing for funds to meet this high cost of tuition fee. This has ranged from sourcing school loans from banks and including selling of property assets to fund education. This trend has negatively impacted on the concerned parties to an extent where students have almost lost hope for a better future. One very strong negative impact that has so far been noticed is the discouragement it has had on the students undertaking various courses in various universities. It is quite clear from studies conducted by this team that on completion of college education individuals who graduate hardly get well-paying jobs that match the cost incurred while in college. Moreover, a greater percentage of the little money earned from these jobs end up being used to repay the loans that were borrowed during school days leaving a minimal percentage for investment. This therefore renders a larger population of the newly employed and young hustling for their entire life. From these insights it is therefore paramount to consider the cry of the large young population and consider a thorough review of the entire fee payment systems in colleges with intent of lowering its cost for the benefit of the future generation. Methodology A sampled group of about 40 students from sampled universities and colleges in the United States of America were interviewed with a view of getting background information from the affected groups. Similarly, various employees who had just completed training was sampled and interviewed. The method selected aimed at collecting data that will enable the researchers identify the problem and propose potential solutions. Findings The cost of college tuition for many colleges has over time become so expensive. T he price for college studies has neither equated the future salary of those taking the courses nor has it equal the loans and many credits being spent on tuition fees. It is therefore imperative to present this report as a means of passing a message of discontent and outcry facing parents and students who pay dearly to get valuable education (Heller, 2001). The biggest problem for millions of people living in America while joining a college or university is

Monday, July 22, 2019

Bureaucratic Management Theory Essay Example for Free

Bureaucratic Management Theory Essay Webers theory of bureaucratic management has two essential elements. First, it entails structuring an organization into a hierarchy. Secondly, the organization and its members are governed by clearly defined rational-legal decision-making rules. Each element helps an organization to achieve its goals. An organizational hierarchy is the arrangement of the organization by level of authority in reference to the levels above and below it. For example, a vice-president of marketing is below the companys president, at the same level as the companys vice president of sales, and above the supervisor of the companys social media department. Each level answers to the level above it with the ultimate leader of the organization at the top. The easiest way to understand the term rational-legal decision making rules is to think of it as a set of explicit and objective policies and procedures that governs how an organization functions. Examples of rational-legal decision-making rules include human resources rules and policies or the regulations governing who is entitled to unemployment insurance. Bureaucracies are all around us this form of organization, which is comprised of non-elected officials who implement rules, is not only common in the public sector but in the business world as well. Examples of bureaucracies in the public sector include the Social Security Administration, Environmental Protection Agency and public universities. Among the oldest bureaucratic structures in the country is the United States Military. In the private sector, most large business firms have a bureaucratic organization. Examples of private sector firms with a bureaucratic structure include IBM, GM and the Union Pacific Railroad. Knowing how bureaucratic management works can lead to a better understanding of how government agencies and large business firms operate it can assist you in interacting with complex organizations, whether it be seeking social security benefits or working for a large corporation. Max Weber Max Weber. Published in the US before 1923 and public domain in the US. Max Weber Father of Modern Organizational Theory One of the most important thinkers in modern organizational theory, Max Weber (1864-1920), is the father of the bureaucratic management theory. Weber was a German sociologist and political economist that viewed bureaucracy in a positive light, believing it to be more rational and efficient than its historical predecessors.

Agoraphobia Essay Example for Free

Agoraphobia Essay Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by anxiety in situations where the sufferer perceives certain environments as dangerous or uncomfortable, often due to the environments vast openness or crowdedness. These situations include, but are not limited to, wide-open spaces, as well as uncontrollable social situations such as the possibility of being met in shopping malls, airports, and on bridges. Agoraphobia is defined within the DSM-IV TR as a subset of panic disorder, involving the fear of incurring a panic attack in those environments. In the DSM-5, however, Agoraphobia s classified as being separate to panic disorder. The sufferer may go to great lengths to avoid those situations, in severe cases becoming unable to leave their home or safe haven. Although mostly thought to be a fear of public places, it is now believed that agoraphobia develops as a complication of panic attacks. However, there is evidence that the implied one-way causal relationship between spontaneous panic attacks and agoraphobia in DSM-IV may be incorrect. Onset is usually between ages 20 and 40 years and more common in women. Approximately 3. 2 million, or about 2. %, of adults in the US between the ages of 18 and 54, suffer from agoraphobia. Agoraphobia can account for approximately 60% of phobias. Studies have shown two different age groups at first onset: early to mid twenties, and early thirties. In response to a traumatic event, anxiety may interrupt the formation of memories and disrupt the learning processes, resulting in dissociation. Depersonalization and derealisation are other dissociative methods of withdrawing from anxiety. Standardized tools such as Panic and Agoraphobia Scale can be used to measure agoraphobia and panic attacks severity and monitor reatment. Agoraphobia is a condition where the sufferer becomes anxious in environments that are unfamiliar or where he or she perceives that they have little control. Triggers for this anxiety may include wide open spaces, crowds, or traveling . Agoraphobia is often, but not always, compounded by a fear of social embarrassment, as the agoraphobic fears the onset of a panic attack and appearing distraught in public. This is also sometimes called social agoraphobia which may be a type of social anxiety disorder also sometimes called social phobia. Not all agoraphobia is social n nature, however. Some agoraphobics have a fear of open spaces. Agoraphobia is also defined as a fear, sometimes terrifying, by those who have experienced one or more panic attacks. In these cases, the sufferer is fearful of a particular place because they have experienced a panic attack at the same location in a previous time. Fearing the onset of another panic attack, the sufferer is fearful or even avoids the location. Some refuse to leave their home even in medical emergencies because the fear of being outside of their comfort area is too great. The sufferer can ometimes go to great lengths to avoid the locations where they have experienced the onset of a panic attack. Agoraphobia, as described in this manner, is actually a symptom professionals check for when making a diagnosis of panic disorder. Other syndromes like obsessive compulsive disorder or post traumatic stress disorder can outside can cause the syndrome. [12] It is not uncommon for agoraphobics to also suffer from temporary separation anxiety disorder when certain other individuals of the household depart from the residence temporarily, such as a parent or spouse, or when the agoraphobic is left home alone. Such temporary conditions can result in an increase in anxiety or a panic attack or feel the need to separate themselves from family or maybe friends. Another common associative disorder of agoraphobia is necrophobia, the fear of death. The anxiety level of agoraphobics often increases when dwelling upon the idea of eventually dying, which they may consciously or unconsciously associate with being the ultimate separation from their mortal emotional comfort and safety zones and loved ones, even for those who may otherwise spiritually believe in some form of divine afterlife existence. Agoraphobia occurs about twice as commonly among women as it does in men. The gender difference may be attributable to several factors: social-cultural traditions that encourage, or permit, the greater expression of avoidant coping strategies by women, women perhaps being more likely to seek help and therefore be diagnosed; men being more likely to abuse alcohol in reaction to anxiety and be diagnosed as an alcoholic. Research has not yet produced a single clear explanation for the gender difference in agoraphobia. Although the exact causes of agoraphobia are currently unknown, some clinicians ho have treated or attempted to treat agoraphobia offer plausible hypotheses. The condition has been linked to the presence of other anxiety disorders, a stressful environment or substance abuse. Research has uncovered a linkage between agoraphobia and difficulties with spatial orientation. Individuals without agoraphobia are able to maintain balance by combining information from their vestibular system, their visual system and their proprioceptive sense. A disproportionate number of agoraphobics have weak vestibular function and consequently rely more on visual or actile signals. They may become disoriented when visual cues are sparse (as in wide open spaces) or overwhelming. Likewise, they may be confused by sloping or irregular surfaces. In a virtual reality study, agoraphobics showed impaired processing of changing audiovisual data in comparison with non-suffering subjects. Exposure treatment can provide lasting relief to the majority of patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia. Disappearance of residual and subclinical agoraphobic avoidance, and not simply of panic attacks, should be the aim of exposure therapy. Similarly, Systematic desensitizationmay also be used. Many patients can deal with exposure easier if they are in the company of a friend they can rely on. t is vital that patients remain in the situation until anxiety has abated because if they leave the situation the phobic response will not decrease and it may even rise. Cognitive restructuring has also proved useful in treating agoraphobia. This treatment involves coaching a participant through a dianoetic discussion, with the intent of replacing irrational, counterproductive beliefs w ith more factual and beneficial ones. Relaxation techniques are often useful skills for the agoraphobic to develop, as they can be used to stop or prevent symptoms of anxiety and panic. Anti-depressant medications most commonly used to treat anxiety disorders are mainly in the SSRI class and inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants are also commonly prescribed for treatment of agoraphobia. Antidepressants are important because some have antipanic effects. Antidepressants should be used in conjunction with exposure as a form of self-help or with cognitive behaviour therapy. Some evidence shows that a ombination of medication and cognitive behaviour therapy is the most effective treatment for agoraphobia.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Crucible and Hamlet | Analysis

The Crucible and Hamlet | Analysis In The Crucible and Hamlet, the main themes of manipulation, ambition and religion are used frequently. Nonetheless, these themes are found in either the initial conflict, climax or conflict resolution for the plays. The initial conflict reflects the theme of ambition, manipulation starts to fail during the climax, and religion is a common theme throughout both plays but can be seen during the conflict resolution. In The Crucible, Abigail is considered to be the antagonist and in Hamlet, the villain is Claudius who kills his brother in order to become King. Both these characters put to use these themes, and have many things in common in terms of their goals. Three main themes are found common between the antagonists of both plays, and ultimately, they intertwine with one another. Manipulation plays a great role in both The Crucible and Hamlet. Claudius was the most manipulative character in Hamlet, he was the antagonist. Abigail from The Crucible was also the villain and antagonist in the play and was not able to meet her end goal just like Claudius. The striving King manipulated the people of him using his remarkable language and speech which he used as his weapon. He used his language to persuade the people of the kingdom that he is a noble and loyal King; also, he used this to manipulate Gertrude into believing that he is a good man and can replace her husband. In The Crucible, Abigail also has a weapon, however it is not like the one Claudius has. Abigail has leverage against Proctor. Thus, Abigail uses Proctors adultery as influence over John and uses it to manipulate the entire town. The only people who know the antagonists true intentions are the protagonists of the story. The quote A murderer and a villain,/ A slave that is not twentieth part the tith / Of your precedent lord, a vice of kings,/ a cutpurse of the empire and the rule/ that from a shelf the precious diadem stole,/ And put it in his pocket-(Shakespeare, act 3, scene 4), was said by Hamlet while talking to Gertrude and convincing her that Claudius is not the person she thinks he is. He says that Claudius is a murderer and he was able to take the throne by stealing using his manipulative powers. The only two people who knew who Abigail really was, was John Proctor and Elizabeth Proctor, the audience sees this when Proctor says, She thinks to dance with me on my wifes grave! And well she might, for I thought of her softly. God help me, I lusted, and there is a promise in such sweat. But it is a whores vengeance, and you must see it.(Miller,73) . The theme of ambition is recognized in the initial conflict of both stories. The initial conflict in Hamlet was the sighting of the ghost, when Hamlet finds out what happened to Hamlet Sr., his father, the audience understands how ambitious Claudius really is. Claudius would do absolutely anything to maintain his power, so the audience understands, because it is said that he killed his brother in order to become King. The initial conflict in The Crucible is when the girls were dancing in the woods the audience sees that she would curse just to be with him. Abigails main objective is to be with John Proctor. She was the cause of the deaths of innocent people in the town. Claudius killed his brother for his objective and Abigail had no problem killing innocent people of Salem just so she could be with John. Claudius knew what he did was wrong but cannot come to admit it to others. His ambition blurred his ability to admit and take the blame for the death of his brother. In act 3, scene 3, he reflects on his guilt, My fault is past. But oh, what form of prayer/ Can serve my turn, Forgive me my foul murder? (Shakespeare, Scene 3 Act 3). We do not see this form of confession about her wrong-doings from Abigail. She was there to complete her goal, and was not able to do so; therefore, she ended up leaving Salem. Religion plays a great role in both stories, we see this particularly in Hamlet. Claudius goes into confession to reflect on his sins, which is ironic because if he cared so much about cleansing his soul, why would he commit murder in the first place? At the most, he should admit to his guilt and deal with the consequences. However, in his confession we see that he cannot bring himself to resign his assets, he says, I am still possessed/ of those effects for which I did the murder, / my crown, mine own ambition and my queen. (Shakespeare, Act 3, Scene 3). In the Crucible, society is so sure about the existence of the devil, and they are all religious, therefore, Abigail uses religion to get what she wanted. She knew that if she used religion, she would have an effect on society as a whole. Which she tries to do by saying that she is associated with the Devil. In conclusion, the main themes of manipulation, religion and ambition play a great role in Hamlet and The Crucible. These three themes are common in the antagonists of the plays and also are found in either the initial conflict, climax or conflict resolution. In both plays, the protagonists know the truth behind everything. Claudius occasionally showed signs of guilt as well as signs of love towards Gertrude. However, Abigail only showed signs of love toward John Proctor, and throughout the story there are no signs of human feeling from her. All these themes are intertwined with one another. In the Crucible, Abigail uses religion as a form of manipulation to attain her goal. In Hamlet, ambition causes the death of Claudius brother, which results in him manipulating Gertrude and the kingdom, and ultimately allows him to show human feelings in confession. Therefore, the audience notices that both antagonists share common themes that occurred in each play.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Jerry Garcia And The Grateful Dead :: essays research papers fc

Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead Rock Legends of the 60s and 70s   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jerry Garcia’s life was filled with wonderful things, many of which he never expected in the first place. After an almost fatal heroin overdose in 1986, â€Å" Garcia philosophically stated, ‘ I’m 45 years old, I’m ready for anything, I didn’t even plan on living this long so all this shit is just add-on stuff.’ † (â€Å"Garcia†) This attitude shows why Garcia did all of the things he did and even how some of them came about. Garcia, who â€Å"functioned as the preeminent pied piper of the rock era,† led a life of great artistic ability which he used in many ways(â€Å"Grateful Dead_ Rockhall†).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jerry Garcia was born as Jerome John Garcia on 1 August, 1942 in San Francisco, California (â€Å"Garcia†/’Grateful Dead†). Garcia learned to play folk and rock & roll when he was 15 even though the third finger on his left hand was missing because of an accident as a child. In 1959 he served in the U.S. Army for a very short period of time (â€Å"Garcia†/Erlewine_). J.J. Garcia, also known as Captain Trips, was a diabetic heroine addict and was arrested on charges of heroine possession in 1985(Erlewine_/†Grateful Dead_ Rockhall†/†Garcia†). While in a Forest Knolls, California drug treatment center, Garcia died on 9 August 1995(â€Å"Grateful Dead†). Some of his ashes were scattered in the Ganges River not long after he died, and the rest were scattered into the San Francisco Bay in the second week of April 1996(â€Å"This Is the Week That Was†E7). The effect of his death was equivalent to those of J ohn F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Elvis Presley, and John Lennon. When Garcia died â€Å"The press was largely in agreement, concerning that a major talent in the world of music had passed on (either that or all the news editors on daily newspapers are all 40-something ex-hippies.)†(â€Å"Grateful Dead†) The â€Å"pied piper† was and is now no more than a legend in many people’s eyes. The band name as well went down with Jerry as a unanimous agreement among the band members(â€Å"Grateful Dead†).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Captain Trips first played with Mother McCree’s Uptown Jug Champions who became the Warlocks in 1965 and later became the â€Å"seminal ‘60s rock & roll band the Grateful Dead† for which Garcia is most known(â€Å"Jerry Garcia_†). Grateful Dead is a name that was randomly chosen from an open copy of the Oxford English Dictionary.

Friday, July 19, 2019

History of Ledd Zeppelin and ITs Musical Impact Essay -- Led Zeppelin

History of Ledd Zeppelin and ITs Musical Impact Tell someone to name a band from the 1960s and '70s and you could probably listen to a dozen answers before hearing the same one twice. The overwhelming amount of talent squeezed into these two decades has produced some of the most popular, most powerful, and in some cases, the most bizarre music ever. Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, The Rolling Stones, The Yardbirds, Janis Joplin, Bob Dylan, Elvis Presley, Queen, Aerosmith, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, The Eagles.... All were from this era that seemed to glorify music as no other time period did, or ever will. The amount of evolution of music that occurred in this time period is amazing as well. The mainstream went from listening to songs like Bill Haley and the Comet's "Rock Around The Clock," to The Beatles' frightening "Revolution 9." While these two examples may seem completely different, they are not as distant as one might think. Nearly all music from the '60s and '70s was bred from its earlier ancestors. Music has been constantly evolving, and during the two decades in question, it underwent a radical change like never before. The New Yardbirds In early 1968 the music group The Yardbirds was in shambles. Their last, and half-put --together album "Little Games" was a total flop and the band had to struggle to have the release of the album in the UK stopped. On March 30, the group allowed a taping of their concert in Madison Square Garden to be considered for a live album to be released later. They easily convinced their record contractor, Epic Records, to ditch the project. The lead guitarist of The Yardbirds, Jeff Beck, had suffered from a mental breakdown a few years earlier and could no longer handle the pressure of touring. The band members, Keith Relf, Chris Dreja, Jim McCarty, and Jimmy Page decided to throw in the towel and let the band collapse. Playing wasn't the same rush it used to be, and it just wasn't fun anymore. Each member elected to follow their own projects. Dreja planned a career in photography, McCarty and Relf intended on starting bands of their own. Lead guitarist, Jimmy Page was given legal rights to the band's name, songs, and albums. However, along with the rights that Page was given, were 10 tour dates that still needed to be honored in Scandinavia. Page nee... ...The most significant thing about Led Zeppelin's music today, is that it doesn't sound dated. The music seems similar to music today. The lasting impression of their music is obvious, and can be heard in any Rock band of today. Unfortunately, the machine that was Led Zeppelin came to a screeching halt on the morning of September 25, 1980. When band members decided to go into Bonham's bedroom to pull a prank on him in his sleep, Bonham was found dead. After a night of heavy drinking, Bonham had turned the wrong way in his sleep, and asphyxiated himself upon his own vomit. A statement was released on December 4, 1980, stating that the band could not go on in its present state. After 11 incredible years, the band could not function with "the loss of our dear friend." Led Zeppelin had owned the 70s, and they were going to finish their reign quietly, and let the throne open to the next "supergroup." As suddenly as Led Zeppelin began, it had ended even more so. The giant had fallen. . "As it was, then again it will be, Though the course may change sometimes, Rivers always reach the sea." -Ten Years Gone Led Zeppelin History of Ledd Zeppelin and ITs Musical Impact Essay -- Led Zeppelin History of Ledd Zeppelin and ITs Musical Impact Tell someone to name a band from the 1960s and '70s and you could probably listen to a dozen answers before hearing the same one twice. The overwhelming amount of talent squeezed into these two decades has produced some of the most popular, most powerful, and in some cases, the most bizarre music ever. Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, The Rolling Stones, The Yardbirds, Janis Joplin, Bob Dylan, Elvis Presley, Queen, Aerosmith, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, The Eagles.... All were from this era that seemed to glorify music as no other time period did, or ever will. The amount of evolution of music that occurred in this time period is amazing as well. The mainstream went from listening to songs like Bill Haley and the Comet's "Rock Around The Clock," to The Beatles' frightening "Revolution 9." While these two examples may seem completely different, they are not as distant as one might think. Nearly all music from the '60s and '70s was bred from its earlier ancestors. Music has been constantly evolving, and during the two decades in question, it underwent a radical change like never before. The New Yardbirds In early 1968 the music group The Yardbirds was in shambles. Their last, and half-put --together album "Little Games" was a total flop and the band had to struggle to have the release of the album in the UK stopped. On March 30, the group allowed a taping of their concert in Madison Square Garden to be considered for a live album to be released later. They easily convinced their record contractor, Epic Records, to ditch the project. The lead guitarist of The Yardbirds, Jeff Beck, had suffered from a mental breakdown a few years earlier and could no longer handle the pressure of touring. The band members, Keith Relf, Chris Dreja, Jim McCarty, and Jimmy Page decided to throw in the towel and let the band collapse. Playing wasn't the same rush it used to be, and it just wasn't fun anymore. Each member elected to follow their own projects. Dreja planned a career in photography, McCarty and Relf intended on starting bands of their own. Lead guitarist, Jimmy Page was given legal rights to the band's name, songs, and albums. However, along with the rights that Page was given, were 10 tour dates that still needed to be honored in Scandinavia. Page nee... ...The most significant thing about Led Zeppelin's music today, is that it doesn't sound dated. The music seems similar to music today. The lasting impression of their music is obvious, and can be heard in any Rock band of today. Unfortunately, the machine that was Led Zeppelin came to a screeching halt on the morning of September 25, 1980. When band members decided to go into Bonham's bedroom to pull a prank on him in his sleep, Bonham was found dead. After a night of heavy drinking, Bonham had turned the wrong way in his sleep, and asphyxiated himself upon his own vomit. A statement was released on December 4, 1980, stating that the band could not go on in its present state. After 11 incredible years, the band could not function with "the loss of our dear friend." Led Zeppelin had owned the 70s, and they were going to finish their reign quietly, and let the throne open to the next "supergroup." As suddenly as Led Zeppelin began, it had ended even more so. The giant had fallen. . "As it was, then again it will be, Though the course may change sometimes, Rivers always reach the sea." -Ten Years Gone Led Zeppelin

Efficient America: Women, Progressivism, and the New Meaning of Citizenship :: Essays Papers

Efficient America: Women, Progressivism, and the New Meaning of Citizenship The end of the 19th Century brought with it what Woodrow Wilson called, â€Å"a new sense of union,† a cease-fire in sectional political strife that ended a century-long conflict in the United States, but the effects of the Industrial Revolution were already ushering in a new kind of domestic debate. This one would be couched in much of the same rhetoric of rights and equality and freedom that characterized the previous conflict, but it would address not the political functions of the American government, but the scope of its economic authority and what it owed the American people by virtue of that authority. A new national obsession with science and efficiency emerged in tandem with this debate, and the old foundations of the republic began to be evaluated by scientific rather than philosophical or religious standards. Caught in the fray of this conflict were the popular reform movements of the early 20th Century, whose causes came to be viewed in the same economic terms that characterized the major national issues of the day. The women’s movement was among those that exchanged its 19th Century rhetoric of rights based on religion, Enlightenment philosophy, and Constitutional ideals for a platform that emphasized the economic utility of increased rights and a widened sphere for women, and that fell more closely in line with the modern progressive philosophies of pragmatism and scientific rationalism. The emphasis on enhancing national economic productivity by strict scientific divisions of labor, on applying science to the routines of daily life to make it more efficient, more healthy, and more sanitary, changed the meaning of citizenship in America. With the blessings of progressives, the federal government made its first major entrance into the private lives of its citizens—regulati ng industry, economy, and urban life—and in doing so, became a protector of the people from the tyranny of economic power rather than just political power. A citizen became an economic unit, and productivity became linked with patriotism. Women, it came to be argued, should get the vote and should enter the public sphere not to fulfill their duty as political citizens of the United States who needed representation on the grounds that it was consistent with American political ideology, but to become full economic citizens—more efficient producers and workers within their own sections of the public sphere. At the end of the 19th Century, the Seneca Falls approach still garnered recognition but was even then giving way to the new arguments for women’s rights.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Always Running by Luis Rodriguez

Gangs, violence and drug use are realities that most people in communities where poverty proliferates. While poverty, in itself, is not the major factor, it is certainly a risk factor and leads to further complications. Those who are poor and homeless definitely have less choice in the way they live their lives. In this regard, they are forced to engage in dangerous and even criminal behavior just to win their next meal or protect themselves from other people who may be eyeing the same source of income or subsistence in the community.When a sufficient number of people within the community experience extreme poverty and they resort to extra-legal behaviors, the community will deteriorate and its citizens will have to live with the reality of gangs, violence and drugs. The book of Luis Rodriguez, Always Running, is an attempt to present the situation in East Los Angeles. Amid the splendor and the richness of Los Angeles, the community of East LA is America’s version of the third world.More than just a psychological and sociological reflection on the realities of gangs and violence, his is reflection of someone who really went through the ordeals of gangs, violence and the use of drugs in the neighborhood. By writing his memoirs, Rodriguez (1994) depicted the scenes of his neighborhood with urgency and the poignancy of someone who truly experienced the events he portrays in his book. Gangs, Violence and Drugs in East LA The prevalence of gangs, violence and drug use in any given neighborhood may be easily blamed on the adventurous spirit of young men and women who seek life outside of their families.Or to the people behind the gangs who just manipulate the lives of these young people for their own personal gain. Based on the memoir of Rodriguez (1994), however, a number of reasons may be pointed to. One is the homelessness and continuous search of protection for oneself and one’s family. The title of the book is Always Running. The status of the fami ly and one’s relationship with the family has an impact on the kids who decide to join the gang. To protect themselves from harm and to help find food for themselves and their families, gangs are an alternative for these kids.Another reason for this proliferation is the search for belonging and camaraderie they find in gangs. Gangs often function as a surrogate family, albeit a dysfunctional one, to those who choose to belong to them. Through the process of initiation, the togetherness and the invitation to â€Å"toughness,† the kids who decide to belong to gangs become caught up in a vicious cycle that becomes very difficult to break. Rodriguez (1994), himself, learned how to run away from the police, how to steal, rob, and even engage in rape and other criminal behavior.Gangs also give a semblance of order and direction for the kids who belong to them. By trusting the older and more senior members of the gangs, the young people get a semblance of direction as other g ang members tell them about the things they should do to remain as members of the gang. Through the difficulties that they face in their own lives, they can achieve a level of control through their membership in the gangs. It is a destructive process but since these gangs are available in the neighborhood, the temptation to be a part of these is too great to resist for most young people.The whole community is affected by these gangs and violence. Although most of the families in the neighborhood are fragmented by poverty, divorce and other issues, they were still a force that most kids respected. As such, to a certain level, families were heeded by gang members. Yet, the community often responds by trying to ignore these events and engaging the police and other authorities to bring order. More than that, they also live in fear of the constant fighting among gangs and the violence they leave in the wake of such fighting.Those who do not belong to the community tend to look negatively to the community and shun it. This way, the gangs may feast on strangers who happen to wander into their territories. Since gangs are territorial, they would not tolerate other gangs from wandering into their territories. Yet, as the police becomes involves, such scenario is difficult to avoid. Therefore, some gangs do get in trouble with the police and with other gangs at the same time. This scenario becomes commonplace in the community and they cease to fight it and actively go against such culture.When this happens, they simply accept the reality of gangs, violence and drug use and do their best to minimize their impact on their lives and activities. Yet, they cannot get away from these realities. There are also members of the community who feel protective of the members of the gang, but not necessarily of the gangs. This is because of the perceived way in which they contrast their situation with the situation of more affluent people in the outskirts of their community and beyon d.As such, they reason, albeit subconsciously, that the gangs are a natural outgrowth of the desire of these people to protect themselves from other groups seeking to take advantage of them. Such stance therefore justifies in their minds the existence of such gangs and the necessity for violence. Aiming for Change There are instances, however, when the community is mustered to action and inspired to spearhead some changes in the community. When the culture of the people who belong to the community is affirmed, they are moved for action.When a particular cultural group manages to prove itself, the community rouses from slumber and they respond in kind. They then affirm their collective power and empower the young people in the community to aim for their best so that their lives would improve. This also helped the young people affirm the culture that they have even if the school system did not have provisions for such. The achievements of such kids, therefore, became the achievement o f the community and became a symbol of what they can do if they choose to rise above their economic and social standing. Another important aspect of the issue of gangs is the issue of race.Cultural groups such as Chicanos would need to band together so that they would not fall prey to White kids who are intent on waging violence against those who do not belong to them. Conclusion The issue of gangs, violence and drug use is multi-faceted. As such, the solutions that would be proposed should also take into account the issues of culture, family, school, and poverty. Sociological, political and economic analyses have been made. Yet, the memoirs of Rodriguez are a stark reminder that more than just academic curiosities, the kids who belong to gangs are real people who need empowerment.Rodriguez told the story of his life with gangs, violence and drugs as a means of showing his son what it was like to live a life that was always running. By documenting his experiences, he hopes to deter his son from his foray on such a risky life. Gang members can make choices to move away from their gangster lifestyles. But they will need the economic stability and the support of the community if they were to do that. The case of Rodriguez is an example of a man who thought about his life and decided to change it for the better. Reference Rodriguez, LJ (1994). Always Running: La Vida Loca: Gang Days in L. A. LA: Touchstone.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

High School vs College Essay

A acceptable education is an important part of unitarys life. To achieve a total education, nonpareil should attend both broad(prenominal) domesticate and college. Although around throng call up juicy take has a tie in common with college, I aim them to be very disagreeent. After graduating from gritty condition, I enrolled into college and noniced that there be many a nonher(prenominal) differences in the midst of them. A fewer of these differences include the amount of wee wedded(p) to the assimilators, and the attitude and responsibilities of the instructors and scholarly persons as intumesce. First of all, naughty direct is the first step to a spunky-pitcheder(prenominal) direct of mark offing. This place equips us with the proper k right offledge needed in order to survive college and other higher(prenominal) levels of learning. The topics being taught in high rail atomic number 18 generalized in raw material Math, Science, English, foreign languages, and many other subjects.The learners ar more than relaxed and their responsibilities are not that conglomerate and heavy in a moxie that there are fewer requirements and their callable dates are not immediate. high trails consider been criticized for not giving enough formulation or assignments to its students. The main direct contrast amongst the two educational institutions is the workload that is given to the students by the teachers. trance I was go to high direct, I could go days without having any homework during the entire week. High schools are characterized for assigning a single(a) homework assignment or job per family line or purge per day. On other hand, there are many federal agencys in which the attitudes of the teachers in high school differ from the attitudes of the teachers in college. In high school, the majority of the teachers seem to be stricter and devour more rules for the students to follow. High school teachers are responsi ble for making authorized each student succeeds those rules to the fullest extent and feed out disciplinary actions for those who do not obey them.One example in which a teacher has taken on a disciplinary action was when students were slack or skipped their scheduled class, the students normally genuine detention along with an F for the day. I have also noticed high school teachers have strict rules to obey given to them by a higher authority. These rules include no eating or drinking in class, and sometimes not even chewing gum. Another way in which the attitude of the teachers differ is that in high school the teachers seems to be more responsible for what they say and have to identify sure they do not badgering or say something that can break away a student. If a high school teacher offends a student, thestudent has the favour to complain to the principal, and most of the time the teacher has to take full responsibility. Furthermore, the attitude of students in high sch ool and college also differs greatly in ways such as their dedication to schoolwork and to learning.High school students take they most attend to class because they are being forced by the law or because their parents insist them to attend, and not because it helps for their future. The majority of high school students pay back the school year with excitement, however as the time goes, they be deal frustrated and bored. They drive questioning why they are in school, or what the purpose of doing homework is. While I was in high school, I had the opportunity to notice that many students elect to goof during class time preferably than doing their assignments. For the most part, high school students do not take their courses as bad as they should. Moreover, there is always a class clown or soul tending to sleep, or even carrying a private conversation with other classmates during lectures.In contrast to high school, college is very particularised and cautious about studying. In college, I was told by one of my instructors that a college student is expected to study for three hours a week, per credit. The subjects a student will learn and discuss are much more specific since you finally chose a career path you will take in the future. College students are notorious more mature, but also more responsible causation their workload to be more intricate and heavier. Responsibility encourage changed for the simple particular that the curriculum is much more muffled and complicated due to the detailed topics that are discussed regarding your chosen career path. A college student may be given some(prenominal) tasks or homework assignment to do all that the aforementioned(prenominal) time for one class. For example, as a college student I have been given several pages to state from a text and a cardinal hundred word paper as well.Although colleges requires attendances and many of them try to enforce it some teachers do not. While I am attending college, I am now able to see the difference amidst how there are some teachers who pure tone it is the students responsibility to come to class or not. If a student chooses to skip the class, the teacher will rarely say something to the student. However, even if colleges instructors are considered more flexible than any other teachers, students usually energise an F for the day in which they are absents. Colleges provide a broad variety of freedom and independence to its studentsbecause they believe students should be mature enough to project their own decisions on whether to attend a class or not. In contrast to high school teachers, college instructors are even able to say almost anything they sine qua non regardless of whether it offends someone or not such as in the make when a college instructor said, We dont need more black people around here during one of his lectures. By the time students get accepted at colleges, most of them already know their educational goals.Through my ti me spent in college I have realized students have the mindset to succeed in college because they hope to be able to achieve their goals. wad who decide to attend to college are working towards obtaining a higher level degree, and not just to play around on campus, or to waste their time model to pay attention. This is a higher level of learning, thus, requiring more time, and effort as well as devotion to studies. High school and college are very important in the educational processes because often one cannot get a good job without a well-developed education. This education frequently comes from having a high school diploma and a college degree. Although high school and college carry some of the same features they also have several differences between them. Some of the ways which high school and college differ include the amount of work given to the students, the teachers attitudes and responsibilities, and the students attitudes and responsibilities as well. High school and col lege play important parts in the lives of many people although they may be thought as similar, they also differ in several ways.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Humour in ‘Pride and Prejudice’

Humour in ‘Pride and Prejudice’

Humour is a key theme in the novel â€Å"Pride wired and Prejudice.† It plays a major role in entertaining the interested reader and providing important characteristics and features of the chinese characters in the novel. Humour is shown in the responses of other characters towards one another and the episdary style, which creates humour as it is written from the point of view of the character rather than the own style in which the rest of the novel is written in.In chapters 1-20 the general reader learns about the character of Mr.Laughter might be a superb antidote to stress.In previous chapter 13, Mr.Bennet receives a letter from Mr.Collins in which Mr.Collins informs Mr.Laughter is the medicine.

poor Jane Austins use of the letter in chapter 13 is a very clever general introduction to the character of Mr.Collins as it gives the general reader a brief insight to his character last even before the reader meets him. The letter reveals Mr.Collins as a person with an astonishing pomposity.Folks remember a great laugh.Furthermore, humour is conveyed in Mr.Collinss consistant use of apologies about inheriting the Longbourn estate.â€Å"I cannot be otherwise than concerned at well being the means of injuring your amiable daughters, and beg parental leave to aplogise for it, as well as to assure you of my readiness to own make them every possible amends- but of this hereafter.† Chapter 13.Humor special needs to be impulsive, nevertheless it has to be planned.

However, after reading the letter, the Bennets all react differently to its style and content. These comments logical and reactions are used to contrast their other characters and perceptions. Mrs.Bennet is immediately placated by Mr.Dont forget that sarcasm what does not have any place in the faculty.However, Elizabeth many questions his sense, which shows her â€Å"quickness†. Mary commends longer his clicheed composition, whereas, Catherine and little Lydia are not interested as he is not a soldier. Mr.Bennet meanwhile looks forward to the enjoyment of Mr.Its very nice to tease and have fun try once in a time.

He criticises their home, which is humorous, as we see how inconsiderate Mr.Collins is. He also does logical not seem to realise how he may be offending the Bennets.Mr.There what are lots of genres in humor.Mr.Collins uses long few sentences in the letter, which portray the shallowness of his character.In chapter 20, when Mr.Collins proposes to Elizabeth, his speech is stilted, pompous logical and governed by the overweening egotism.Media serves to strengthen Americans stereotype.

Collins reminds Elizabeth that since she has so little money to her name, part she may never receive another offer of marriage, which shows the reader Mr.Collinss selfishness, rudeness and how inconsiderate he is.Humour is also highlighted in Mr.Collinss marriage proposal when Elizabeth refuses to marry him.Stress is a component in the evolution of sexual dysfunctions.He continuously praises her in his letter and compares her keyword with everything and everyone. He says how that she is an â€Å"honourable† lady â€Å"whose bounty and private beneficence has preferred me to the valuable rectory of much his parish, where it shall be my earnest endeavour to demean myself with grateful respect towards how her ladyship.† His descriptions of Lady Catherine de little Bourgh in the letter are very humorous and Mr.Collinss artificiality is reinforced.Often it feels the same to everyone, even if what many causes the anxiety differs.

Mrs.Philips soon realises that he is tedious snob.Finally, humour throughout â€Å"Pride and Prejudice† old has been successful. Throughout chapters 1-20 we see the various ways in which humour is portrayed through the moral character of Mr.Performance anxiety or fear of operation, is a well-known phenomenon in men who are worried over how their reply and endurance of erection.No matter the reason it remains a societal fear for a lot of us.Four things to do to make life simpler.

Change up your thinking and discover out how youre feeling.Among the most frequent thoughts are that nothing is likely to go right.Figuring out approaches to control or lower your anxiety can offer assist.Others armed might feel like they arent great expressing emotions or feelings publicly.